General purpose: Generate documentation automatically in Word and PDF.
Use cases: This application may be useful if there are different documents to be generated based on a category and a set of fields that need to be updated. For example, if you need to generate different documents for different types of projects with information that needs to be included in some of them.
More information: An Excel file stores the information about the existing types of projects, the existing documents and about which document correspond to each type of project. The information for generating Word documents is uploaded by the user via an Excel file with one row per item in a key-value fashion. The Word documents have written as the key of each item to be replace during automatic generation (text that matches with keys is replaced with the information provided in the Excel). The category is selected by the user using the dropdown field of the form.
Notes: It is designed for types of projects but you can use a different category without modifying the code. Just change the Excel with the different elements of the category of your choice.