pnpm add @feelinglovelynow/svelte-turnstile
Helper functions and component to integrate Svelte w/ an invisible Cloudflare Turnstile form validator
export let sitekey: string
- Get Cloudflare account and in dashboard setup Turnstile
- From Turnstile dashboard find Secret key
- Add Secret key to
file (CLOUDFLARE_TURNSTILE_PRIVATE_KEY) - Add turnstile script to app.html
<script src=""></script> <!-- -->
- If wondering how PUBLIC_ENVIRONMENT is set => @feelinglovelynow/env-write
- If wondering where showToast comes from => @feelinglovelynow/toast
<script lang="ts">
import showToast from '@feelinglovelynow/toast'
import { PUBLIC_ENVIRONMENT } from '$env/static/public'
import { Turnstile, PUBLIC_KEY_ALWAYS_PASSES } from '@feelinglovelynow/svelte-turnstile'
const PUBLIC_KEY = 'get-from-cloudflare-turnstile-dashboard'
function getTurnstileState (e: CustomEvent) { // if form is submitted before this callback no token will be passed in the form (aka) token validation will fail, typically takes less then 3 seconds after page load
if (e.detail.status === 'success') isLoading = false // status options => [ 'success', 'error', 'expired', 'timeout' ]
else showToast({ type: 'info', items: [ e.detail.message ] }) // message options => [ 'All good!', 'Network error', 'Token expired', 'Challenge expired' ]
<Turnstile on:state={ getTurnstileState } sitekey={ PUBLIC_ENVIRONMENT === 'local' ? PUBLIC_KEY_ALWAYS_PASSES : PUBLIC_KEY } />
- If wondering how PUBLIC_ENVIRONMENT is set => @feelinglovelynow/env-write
import { PUBLIC_ENVIRONMENT } from '$env/static/public'
import { CLOUDFLARE_TURNSTILE_PRIVATE_KEY } from '$env/static/private'
import { validate, CLOUDFLARE_TURNSTILE_PRIVATE_KEY_ALWAYS_PASSES } from '@feelinglovelynow/svelte-turnstile'
const fields = Object.fromEntries((await request.formData()).entries())
await validate(fields['cf-turnstile-response'], secret)
if (!turnstileResponse) throw { id: 'fln__svelte-turnstile__no-turnstile-response', message: 'Please include a turnstileResponse' }
if (!secret) throw { id: 'fln__svelte-turnstile__no-secret', message: 'Please include a secret' }
if (!validationResponse.success) throw { id: 'fln__svelte-turnstile__validation-unsuccessful', message: 'For some reason our site believes you are a bot, we apologize, refresh your browser and submit again as human like as possible please' }
- @feelinglovelynow/env-write
- @feelinglovelynow/get-form-entries
- @feelinglovelynow/get-relative-time
- @feelinglovelynow/global-style
- @feelinglovelynow/jwt
- @feelinglovelynow/loop-backwards
- @feelinglovelynow/slug
- @feelinglovelynow/svelte-loading-anchor
- @feelinglovelynow/svelte-modal
- @feelinglovelynow/svelte-turnstile
- @feelinglovelynow/toast