This repository contains the source code of two applications:
- the Crime Ingestion App is a Java application and aims at extracting, geolocalizing and deduplicating crime-related news articles from two online newspapers of the province of Modena in Italy (ModenaToday and Gazzetta di Modena, the information extracted by the application is stored in a PostgreSQL database,
- the Crime Visualization App is a Python application and allows visualizing in a web application the crime-related data stored in the PostgreSQL database (online version is available at the link
The crimedb.sql file contains the structure of the PostgreSQL database in which the data of the news articles are stored (the database has to be created before running the Crime Ingestion App).
The two applications have been executed on a Microsoft Windows 10 Pro computer with Intel i7 and 16GB RAM. However, in the following, the instructions to execute the applications on both Windows and Unix are listed.
Java (JDK 8+)
PostgreSQL 9.6
PostGIS 2.3
After installing PostgreSQL on your machine, create the database by using the crimedb.sql file.
Then, download the Crime Ingestion App folder.
NOTE: modify the config.json file in the configuration folder with the configuration parameters to connect to your database (username and password).
In the config.json file, the "num_of_pages" parameter represents the number of web pages of each online newspaper that will be queried to download the news articles. If this number is equal to 1, only the news articles in the first web page of each newspaper (the most recent news articles) will be downloaded.
Unzip the file.
Run the following commands on the terminal:
mvn clean package xcopy configuration target /s /e cd target java -jar Crime_Ingestion_App-1.0.0.jar
After the last command, the database will be populated with the information extracted from the online newspapers (the urls of the web pages are listed in the files modenatoday.json and gazzettadimodena.json with the type of crime of the news articles published on that newspaper).
Run the following commands on the terminal:
mvn clean package cp -R configuration target cd target java -jar Crime_Ingestion_App-1.0.0.jar
Then, create the file with the following commands:
#!/bin/bashexport CLASSPATH="" b="/path to the folder/target" cd "/path to the folder/" for i in $b/bin $b/lib/*.jar do export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$i done echo $CLASSPATH
java Main
Then, run the application with the command:
PostgreSQL 9.6
PostGIS 2.3
Python 3.5
Download the Crime Visualization App folder.
Modify the file adding the credentials to access to your database:
connection_string="dbname='crime_news' user='************' host='localhost' port=5432 password='***************'"
Install the requirements with the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the command:
Open http://localhost:9018/crimemap?request=GetCrimes on your browser and visualize the crimes!