A package with an RMarkdown template to create an abnTeX2 research project for the SEDAP protected data access room…
You can install the development version of sedapRmd from Github with:
# Install LaTeX Engine to compile the template
# Installing template from package
After installing we can select the Rmd template in RStudio:
A example of yaml will be defined, change the variables for your project:
Which chapter will be inside a chunk as RMarkdown file…
So you can edit chapters on RMarkdown files inside the folder
NOTE: Inside the chapter files, use # for section, ## for subsection and ### for subsubsection.
And edit references on references.bib
inside the folder called
And if you want to edit the template in LaTeX, open the
inside arquivos_tex
To create the pdf file of project in book format and/or online format,
you can call the create_pdf_proj()
function like:
create_pdf_proj("My_proj", format = "both", output_dir = "./pdf_files")