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Federico Barresi edited this page Jul 30, 2023 · 8 revisions

These methods allow controlling the behaviour a Client Object.

Function Purpose
ConnectTo Connects a S7Client object to a PLC
Connect Connects a S7Client object to a PLC with implicit parameters
Disconnect Disconnects a S7Client
SetConnectionType Sets the connection type (PG/OP/S7Basic)
SetConnectionParams Sets Address, Local and Remote TSAP for the connection



Connects the client to the hardware at (IP, Rack, Slot) Coordinates.


public int ConnectTo(String Address, int Rack, int Slot)


Name Type Note
Address string PLC IPV4 Address e.g.: ""
Rack int see table
Slot int see table

Return value

  • 0 : The Client is successfully connected (or was already connected).

  • Other values : see the Errors Code List.

Rack and Slot

In addition to the IP Address, that we all understand, there are two other parameters that index the unit : Rack (0..7) and Slot (1..31) that you find into the hardware configuration of your project, for a physical component, or into the Station Configuration manager for WinAC.

There is however some special cases for which those values ​​are fixed or can work with a default as you can see in the next table.

PLC Rack Slot
S7 300 CPU 0 2 almost always, but according to the hw config
S7 400 CPU not fixed not fixed according to the hw config
WinAC CPU not fixed not fixed according to the hw config
S7 1200 CPU 0 0 or 1
S7 1500 CPU 0 0 or 1
WinAC IE 0 0 according to the hw config



Connects the client to the PLC with the parameters specified in the previous call of ConnectTo() or SetConnectionParams().


public int Connect()

Return value

  • 0 : The Client is successfully connected (or was already connected).
  • Other values : see the Errors Code List.

This function can be called only after a previous of ConnectTo() or SetConnectionParams() which internally sets Address and TSAPs.



Disconnects “gracefully” the S7Client from the PLC.


public void Disconnect()


This function can be called safely multiple times. After calling this function LastError = 0 and Connected = false.


Sets the connection resource type, i.e. the way in which the Clients connects to a PLC.


public void SetConnectionType(short ConnectionType)


Name Type Note
ConnectionType short See the table
Connection type table
Connection Type Value Helper Const
PG 0x01 S7.PG
OP 0x02 S7.OP
S7 Basic 0x03..0x10 S7.S7_BASIC



Sets internally (IP, LocalTSAP, RemoteTSAP) Coordinates.


public void SetConnectionParams(String Address, int LocalTSAP, int RemoteTSAP)


Name Type Note
Address string PLC IPV4 Address e.g.: ""
LocalTSAP int Local TSAP (PC TSAP)
RemoteTSAP int Remote TSAP (PLC TSAP)


This function must be called just before Connect().