As per brief, I have created an employee salary management table that:
Displays the users in a list/table.
Can create new user.
Can update exisiting user.
Can delete users.
details the full approach -
folder includes useful info such as Component Tree.
FrontEnd: React/JS/CSS
Testing Cypress/Jest
Server: Node, Express
DataBase: PostgreSQL
- A talk-through of my solution
Upload your vidoe as mp4 here N.B. To add the video edit the readme in GitHub itself not via vsCode, drag and drop your mp4 file into the readme.
Clone the project
git clone
Install dependencies
npm install
Create .env file at root
REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL= (discussed with recruiter)
Start the server (*Ensure the BackEnd Server is Running first)
npm start
To run component tests, run the following command
npm run test
To run E2E tests, run the following command
npx cypress open