8 puzzle problem is a problem in which a matrix of 3*3 comprising of numbers(1-8) and a blank state(0) , is maneuvered into a final/goal state of a different setup by moving the blank state in left/right/up/down direction.
Start State -
0 1 3
4 2 5
7 8 6
Goal State -
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 0
1)InitateAlgorithm - used to initate the algorithm 2)GraphBean - data srtucture used to store the graph and display it in string. 3)CreateGraph - creating and accepting the graph and also for initiating the AStar Algorithm 4)AStarAlgorithm - Used for finding the min o of steps used to reach goal nodes by determining: g(n) = Distance from start node h(n) = Heuristic distance i.e. total no of misplaced tiles at a given state f(n) = h(n) + g(n)
The state with the minimum f(n) value is considered to be the next state.