Access to AWS EC2, Autoscaling group, Route 53 and S3. Proper traffic rules and roles configured.
This cookbook works with AWS Autoscaling group to set up a self-healing replica set. When one node goes down, the autoscaling group would
automatically stand up a new node, and this cookbook performs all the steps required to add the new node to
the replica set including set up DNS entry in Route 53.
The cookbook assumes and will make replica set name, autoscaling group name, instance name prefix, Route 53 DNS record prefix
- Fill out the default variables in attributes/default.rb
- Go to AWS Console - EC2 - AUTO SCALING - Launch Configurations, click "Create launch configuration"
- Set up proper steps in user data to run this cookbook.
- On Step 4: Add three new volumes: /dev/sdg, /dev/sdf, /dev/sdh.
sdf is for data, sdh is for journal, sdg is for log - Once finished creating launch config, create an autoscaling group out of the launch config.
- Launch!
- Author: Fangyi Zhu ([email protected])
- License: GPL V2 (