PhoneBook Application: This is a simple Java Swing application designed to manage a phone book. It allows users to add new contacts with their name, phone number, and address. Users can also view the entire phone book, clear the display, and search for contacts by name. The application features a graphical user interface (GUI) built using Swing components and follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.
Features: Add new contacts with name, phone number, and address. View the entire phone book. Clear the display to start afresh. Search for contacts by name. User-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) built with Swing components. Follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern for better organization and scalability.
Usage Clone the repository to your local machine. Open the project in your favorite Java IDE. Compile and run the file. Use the GUI to add, view, search, and manage contacts in the phone book.
Technologies Used Java Swing: for building the graphical user interface (GUI). Java: for the core application logic and functionality.