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id: compared_to_buck1
title: Benefits When Compared to Buck1

import { FbInternalOnly } from 'docusaurus-plugin-internaldocs-fb/internal';

## Benefits for end users

> _"`buck2 build SOME_TARGET_I_ALREADY_BUILT_BEFORE` is basically instantaneous
> and is a super delightful experience. 🙂"_ - End user experience
> <FbInternalOnly>([source](</FbInternalOnly>
> _"Buck2 is largely faster and more memory efficient than buck1, and where I’ve
> seen counter-examples, the buck2 team quickly optimizes and fixes that.🙂"_ -
> Software Engineer feedback
> <FbInternalOnly>([source](</FbInternalOnly>
For people who use Buck on a daily basis (such as using Buck build as part of
their development inner loop), switching to Buck2 provides the following

- **Performance** - the performance of Buck2 is better in four ways:
- **_Fast things are fast_** - in Buck1, simply typing `buck build` when there
is nothing to do can be expensive (23 seconds in some benchmarks). In Buck2,
the same build action takes 0.1 seconds. Actions that should be fast are
fast, which enables developers to use Buck more freely, without trying to
work around the build system.
- **_Slow things are faster_** - when there is real work to do, Buck2 is
significantly closer to the critical path. Benchmarks range from 5%/10s
faster for changing a header file (lots of parallel C++ computations, Buck1
already nearly at the critical path) to 42%/145s faster (changing a Thrift
file in a large project).
- **_Users contribute to the shared cache_** - with Buck1, only trusted CI
builds write to the network cache, while with Buck2 everyone writes to the
cache through sandboxed remote execution. This increases the chance of cache
hits, saving capacity and time.
- **_CI builds go faster_** - these numbers vary day by day, but most projects
are 2-4x faster. This means spending less time waiting for CI and saving
some capacity at the same time.
- **Correctness** - in Buck2, rules are hermetic by default. Missing
dependencies are errors. These restrictions apply to both the user-written
`BUCK` files and the language rules.
- During the process of migrating to Buck2, a huge number of missing
dependencies have been fixed. However, during the same process, several
Buck1 issues were identified that are not going to be fixed in Buck1 (such
as missing headers, genrules without dependencies, and OCaml rules don’t
track all deps). The end result is that Buck2 gives the right answer more
often, cutting down on user surprises.
- **Rule features** - the rules in Buck2, especially for less commonly used
languages (such as Haskell, OCaml, and Rust) support features above and beyond
those in Buck1.
- Examples: dependencies can be given as arguments to
`prebuilt_ocaml_library`, Haskell enables the use of stub headers from C++,
and Rust has experimental pipelining support.
- **Actively developed** - the Meta build team is putting all its efforts behind
Buck2; it's vastly easier to develop than Buck1. While Buck2 is already ahead
of Buck1 in many important aspects, the difference is only going to grow with
several improvements in the pipeline.
- **Support** - Meta can provide much better support to those having
difficulties with Buck2 than to those using Buck1.

## Benefits for Rule Authors

If you write language-specific rules, then Buck2 is in a different league to

> _"This is all rather fun! Buck2 rules are so much more hackable than
> Buck1."_ - Software Engineer feedback <FbInternalOnly>
> ([source](</FbInternalOnly>
There are a number of reasons why Buck2 excels for Rule Authors:

- **Faster developer cycle** - in Buck1, the time from changing a rule to seeing
the impact is many minutes: you first have to compile Buck1, invalidate the
dependency cache (and so on), and perhaps work between multiple OSs. With
Buck2, it takes seconds, you don’t even need to restart the daemon.
- **Simple API** - Buck2 rules use a small and documented Starlark API, which is
dependency-correct by construction. In Buck1, the rules must obey a lot of
subtle side conditions with a much larger API.
- **Easier deployment** - for Buck2, deployment is just checking the rules in,
with an atomic commit changing associated macros (when required). For Buck1,
you have to make the repo work with the old and new rules and wait for a Buck
version bump to ship your changes, perhaps a few days later.
- **Low barrier to entry** - writing rules in Buck2 is vastly easier than Buck1,
significantly increasing the developer pool. This means that writing rules is
now accessible to language experts, not just Buck experts.

## Benefits for Integrators

For those people who integrate Buck2 into larger systems, in addition to many of
the above benefits apply, Buck2 provides the following benefits:

- **Faster queries** - many integrators make extensive use of `buck uquery` and
`cquery`. In Buck2, these commands are **faster** and use **less memory**.
- For example, on CI target determination (a bunch of targets/queries), Buck2
is 25% faster at P50 (moving to 40% faster at P95) with 25% less memory
(saving over 20Gb, and crossing below the 64Gb threshold).
- **Profiling** - Buck2 already ships with five types of profiling for both
loading and analysis (flame graphs, statement breakdown, heap profiles etc).
With Buck2, these tools are much more easily accessible to people not on the
Build Infra team.


- **Eden friendly** - Buck2 is tuned for the Eden architecture, performing fewer
disk operations with greater parallelism.
- For example, the slowdown caused by using Eden for `targets` on `fbandroid`
[reduced from 300s to 80s](
- **Better observability** - Buck2 populates many Scuba tables with information
and more. The architecture of Buck2 ensures that all important information can
be recorded in a uniform manner, enabling sensible trade-offs to be made about
what to store vs for how long.


## The downside

While there are many benefits, it would be remiss not to include a small list of
temporary issues:

- **Stability** - Buck2 is under active development, which means the risk of
regression is correspondingly higher. There may be issues, but they will be
fixed as quickly as possible (and lessons learned) through the through Meta's
SEV-review process.
- **Corner cases** - Buck1 has been battle-tested for nearly a decade, which has
included attention to events such as error messages in unlikely corner cases.
Only time and user feedback will enable Meta to bring Buck2 to the same level.
Please share all such feedback!


- **Buck2 Web UI** - there isn’t yet a working Web UI equivalent to the one
provided by Buck1. But we’re working on it and hope to share an initial
version shortly.

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id: bootstrapping
title: Bootstrapping Buck2

# Bootstrapping Buck2

To generate `BUCK` files for `buck2`'s dependencies, we use

Note that the resulting binary will be compiled without optimisations or
[jemalloc](, so we recommend using the
Cargo-produced binary in further development.

First, install `reindeer` with `Cargo`:

cargo install --locked --git reindeer

Next, run the following to buckify dependencies:

cd buck2/
reindeer --third-party-dir shim/third-party/rust buckify

Build `buck2` with `buck2`:

buck2 build //:buck2

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