The Philips/Simoco PRM80 series are professionnal radiocommunication transceivers. This project intended to give a new Firmware EPROM for ham radio use of PRM8060 and PRM8070.
This software in under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence version 3
You can also visit :
- Firmware for models: PRM8060 and PRM8070
- Work on VHF and UHF PRMs: PRM80 available frequency versions
- Up to 100 channels. VHF Channels frequencies - UHF Channels frequencies
- Power commutation (High/Low)
- Shift for repeaters. Reverse mode available
- 1750 Hz tone generator for repeaters
- Computer control and channels programming
The PRM80 family is composed of multiple professional mobile radio (PMR) models.
- PRM8010: Will never be compatible with this firmware
- PRM8020: Will never be compatible with this firmware
- PRM8025: Missing informations. Currently unsuported
- PRM8030: Missing informations. Currently unsuported
- PRM8040: Unsuported
- PRM8041: Unsuported
- PRM8060: Supported
- PRM8061: Radio wanted to make the port
- PRM8070: Supported
The PRM80 family work for many frequencies and have different radio board for each PRM80 band code. Look at the PRM80 band code list to know supported version and specific modifications for the ham radio firmware.
Frequency independant modification:
- EPROM update
- Connectors informations
- Mike gain
- Tx power ajustement
- Serial interface
- 1750 Hz tone You can also look at the PRM80 band code list to know specific radio board mods.
The firmware is released for 2 ham band depending of the original PRM80 band:
- 2m prm80x0_144.bin
- 70cm prm80x0_430.bin
See Release note
- Florian MAZEN (F4FEZ)
- Pierre COL (F8EGQ)
Within the framework of the realization of this poject we wish to thanks the following ham radio operators:
- Roger MONTEIX (F4EPQ) who obtained an gave us the PRM8060 and different accessories.
- Jean-Claude BENECHE (F1AIA) for the informations on the settings, the measures and the tests.
- Jean-Michel MANARANCHE (F5BVJ) for the tests and the feedback.
- Pierre MAINGUET (F8FHC SK) for the English translation.
- Scott BIGGS (KD0FRN) for translation help / proofreading.
- Manuel JESUS (CT1EWT) for the UHF version