ELEV8 is a continuation of a previous project that I worked on, called slinging weights.
The purpose of this project is to provide a platform for people to share their workouts, provide a way for people to track their progress, and provide a social feed for lifting enthusiasts.
Phase 1:
- Create a basic CRUD application for users to create, read, update, and delete their workouts
- Each workout should accept reps x weight for an amount of sets.
Phase 2:
- Create React frontend
- Allow reordering of workout events
Phase 3:
- Add user authentication
- Use Firebase for authentication
Phase 4:
- Allow each user to have a profile page
- Allow users to upload a profile picture
- Allow users to add a bio
- Allow users to add a location
- Allow users to add a link to their social media
Phase 5:
- Create a basic social feed for video proof of lifts
Users: To store user details such as ID, name, email, etc.
Exercises: To store details about exercises, like the name of the exercise, an explanation, etc. This can all be universally shared among users.
Workouts: To store workout details like date, user_id (to link a workout to a user), and optionally any additional info related to the workout.
WorkoutExercises: A junction table that connects workouts and exercises. It will store a workoutid (connecting it to the Workouts table) and an exerciseid (connecting it to the Exercises table). This table makes it possible to represent multiple exercises in a single workout session, as well as enables multiple users to add exercises within a workout.
SetsReps: A table to store the sets and reps for a given workoutexercise. You would include columns for workoutexercise_id (connecting it to the WorkoutExercises table), sets, and reps.
// Define the database structure for users, follows, and posts
Table exercises {
exercise_id integer [primary key, increment]
name varchar
description text
default_reps integer
default_sets integer
default_weight integer
created_at timestamp
Table workout_templates {
template_id integer [primary key, increment]
template_name varchar
created_at timestamp
Table workout_template_exercises {
template_id integer
exercise_id integer
created_at timestamp
// Defining the relationship
Ref: workout_template_exercises.template_id > workout_templates.template_id
Ref: workout_template_exercises.exercise_id > exercises.exercise_id
Table workouts {
workout_id integer [primary key, increment]
template_id integer
workout_date date
notes text
created_at timestamp
// Defining the relationship
Ref: workouts.template_id > workout_templates.template_id
Table workout_entries {
workout_entry_id integer [primary key, increment]
workout_id integer
exercise_id integer
custom_reps integer
custom_sets integer
custom_weight integer
created_at timestamp
// Defining the relationships
Ref: workout_entries.workout_id > workouts.workout_id
Ref: workout_entries.exercise_id > exercises.exercise_id
// Define the database structure for exercises, workout templates, and workouts
Table exercises {
exercise_id integer [primary key, increment]
name varchar
description text
created_at timestamp
Table workout_templates {
template_id integer [primary key, increment]
template_name varchar
created_at timestamp
Table workout_template_exercises {
template_id integer
exercise_id integer
default_reps integer
default_sets integer
default_weight integer
created_at timestamp
// Defining the relationship
Ref: workout_template_exercises.template_id > workout_templates.template_id
Ref: workout_template_exercises.exercise_id > exercises.exercise_id
Table workouts {
workout_id integer [primary key, increment]
template_id integer
workout_date date
notes text
created_at timestamp
// Defining the relationship
Ref: workouts.template_id > workout_templates.template_id
Table workout_entries {
workout_entry_id integer [primary key, increment]
workout_id integer
exercise_id integer
custom_reps integer
custom_sets integer
custom_weight integer
created_at timestamp
// Defining the relationships
Ref: workout_entries.workout_id > workouts.workout_id
Ref: workout_entries.exercise_id > exercises.exercise_id