maintaince release
Added options to display comment title(not input).
Added Gravatar options.
Added logging in critical places.
Kcaptcha color in options is now color picker.
Change installation process. Now it's package.
Changed. Feed class moved to View class.
Changed. Temlates splitted to layouts and support BS5
Fixed Gravatar default image displaying.
Fixed message_terms_of_use. Now it's displayed when needed.
Fixed default access rules.
Fixed displaying Reset button in form.
Fixed #26
Fixed #25
Fixed #24
Fixed #27
Removed word_maxlength because it broking words. Now words break via CSS. Except Arabic.
Removed all frontend languages except Russian, English because they outdated and need to be updated.
Removed search plugin because J4 did not have this group.
Removed version.php. We using component manifest xml file.
Removed unused rules in CSS.
Removed from installer. Installer just copy files to folder.
Update plugins xml