Releases: exelix11/TheFourthDimension
Version 0.9.2 Hotfix
Version 0.9.1
This minor update adds the "batch" command line parameter, now you can quickly convert bymls and xmls.
Usage: The4Dimension.exe batch file1 file2 etc...
converted files will be saved in the same directory of the original files with the extension appended to the name, already existing files will be automatically overwritten
Version 0.9
-Now it's possible to edit properties for more objects at the same time
-C0Lists now can be edited like normal objects types in the main window
-Added dragging snapping every 50 units Shift + Ctrl + Drag
-Some other smaller changes
Version 0.8
-Added the CustomModels folder to override the filename from the object database
-CameraParams editor now automatically selects the selected CameraArea configuration
-Save button
-Creating SZS from scratch
-Generator for PreLoadFileList
PreLoadFileList generator is very basic, it adds to the list objects from the level using the paths in the database, it doesn't add the sound effects, if the paths in the database are wrong it will most likely crash the game
Version 0.7
-New object database format
-Updates checking
-Auto object database downloading
Version 0.6
Change log:
-Fixed W S6-2 not loading
-Added camera settings (with camera whitehole-like)
-Fixed hotkeys not working with rails
-Added dragging children objects
-Now new objects are added near the camera
-Fixed pasting object list over an object
-Fixed crash when dragging a rail
Version 0.5
Change log:
- Editing rails by dragging
- Support for objects database
- Auto generating CCNT patcher from the CCNT editor window
- Fixed model importer kcl generation if the obj path contains spaces
- Now child areas can be seen in the editor
- Fully supported big endian bymls (useful for hacking 3d world, some are too big and may crash)
- Byml editor (drag any byml on the exe)
- Generating Bcstm (multichannel) from ogg
- Now Find works also for children objects (but not for children inside
a child) - Some other smaller features and fixes
Note: this changes the xml format for converting to byml, the version tag was added, so, levels saved as xml from older versions won't work for this, save as byml or szs to avoid the problem
Version 0.4
Change log:
- Fixed CollisionsMng getting stuck on generating KCL
- Rail viewing and editing
- Added CreatorClassNameTable editor: easily add entries or merge from
another file - Added camera code generator (for setting view angle)
- Fixed transparent textures in the 3d view
- Added some quick actions with copy and paste
- Added searching objects by rail name
- Increased clipboard size to 10 objects
- Added viewing children objects in the 3d view
- Added changing BGM in the levels
- Added loading levels from in-game number (W 1-1)
- Added automatic object importer
- Added multi selection in the objects list
- Some models once converted had invisible textures, now they are replaced with a white texture
- Many bug-fixes
Version 0.3.1
-Some notes on the collision values
-Added undo, up to 50 actions
-Added searching for objects in the selected type by id,camera_id,view_id or switch
-Added direction on unknown object model, so you can see where it's facing
-Added creating levels from scratch
-Loading and saving levels as SZS
Version 0.2 Beta
-Added dragging to move objects
-Added keyboard shortcuts to add,remove, or duplicate objects
-Improved clipboard, now rails and full objects can be copied too
-Added support for parametrers from cmd:
|The4Dimension.exe file name : loads this file
|The4Dimension.exe convert xml/byml file : converts an xml to byml or vice versa
-Added support for byml files from wii u games (big endian), tested only on capitan toad
-New conversion method: Ohana3DS, with this you can get better quality models (delete the models folder and redo the conversion from this version)
-Some other smaller improvements