This repo is an attempt to keep track of local RTTOV installations including versions 11, 12, and 13. It includes a script to compile RTTOV software, scripts to gather coefficient files for use in NWP (IAL/Harmonie) and a script to compare old and new coefficient directories.
git clone
$ cd rttov_install
$ mkdir downloads
$ cd downloads
# Copy code here
$ md5sum rttov*
cf58cb4243a196d5958c6782066f956a rttov113.tar.gz
da5e4f7c75dcb028fd997fed96ad4710 rttov123.tar.gz
98263a31aa389aefb2adf953de584e0b rttov132.tar.xz
cd rttov_install
scripts/ -C
scripts/ -c RL8
Only MW/VIS/IR and hi-res IR coefficient files are required:
- Optical depth (rtcoef) coefficient files for MW, IR and VIS/IR ✅
- VIS/IR aerosol (scaer) and cloud (sccld) coefficient files ❌
- MFASIS LUT files ❌
- RTTOV-SCATT MW mietable files ❌
- Optical depth (rtcoef) files for hi-res IR sounders ✅
- Hi-res IR sounder aerosol (scaer) and cloud (sccld) coefficient files ❌
- PC-RTTOV coefficient files ❌
- HTFRTC coefficient files ❌
cd rttov_install
cd builds/rttov11.3/rtcoef_rttov11
cd rttov_install
cd builds/rttov12.3/rtcoef_rttov12
cd rttov_install
cd builds/rttov13.2/rtcoef_rttov13
cd rttov_install
scripts/ -i builds/rttov11.3/rtcoef_rttov11
cd rttov_install
scripts/ -i builds/rttov12.3/rtcoef_rttov12
cd rttov_install
scripts/ -i builds/rttov13.2/rtcoef_rttov13
Get atlas data from
├── cnrm_mwemis
├── rtcoef_rttov11
│ └── harm_coef
├── rtcoef_rttov12
│ └── harm_coef
├── rtcoef_rttov13
│ └── harm_coef
└── uw_ir_emis_atlas_hdf5
Note | Link |
Update history | |
coefficient file history log | |
RTTOV 11 coefficient download | |
MW coefficient file download | wget |