A 5-day solo project by Eric Wang
See the deployed application at https://metvirtual.netlify.app/
METVIRTUAL is a 6-day solo project by Eric Wang, built with JavaScript and React.* In addition to searching objects in the museum's collection, users can filter their search by objects on view at the museum, and sort results by department. Image and object data is fetched from the Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection API.
The project's goals, listed below in an abbreviated form:
1. Demonstrate mastery of React, Router and asynchronous JavaScript
2. Complete end-to-end testing with Cypress
3. Work within constraints to deliver a product for a niche audience, which helps solve a problem unique to them.
4. Display API data
5. Store and/or manipulate the data displayed in the application, such as favoriting or adding to a list, searching, commenting, etc.
6. Deploy the application with either Heroku, Surge, or Netlify
- React
- Router
- Cypress
- JavaScript
- Sass
- Git
- Figma
- Fetch API
See the deployed application at: https://metvirtual.netlify.app/