Least-Squares Dating (LSD) estimates rates and dates from phylogenies using least-squares method.
lsd-web provides a web interface to LSD.
Get sources
git clone https://github.com/evolbioinfo/lsd-web.git
cd lsd-web/
Get lsd sources
git clone https://github.com/tothuhien/lsd-0.3beta.git
cd lsd-0.3beta
export LSDPATH=$PWD/src/lsd
Create conda environment
conda create --name lsd-web python=2.7
source activate lsd-web
Configure the application (with sqlite)
cd lsd_web
pip install -r requirements.txt
apt-get install redis-server # Ubuntu / Debian
python manage.py makemigrations
Run lsd-web
celery --app=lsd_web.celeryapp:app worker --loglevel=INFO
python manage.py runserver
You should first install docker.
To build the docker image, then:
docker build -t lsd-web .
And finally run the container:
docker run -p 8080:80 lsd-web
You can then open your browser to (http://localhost:8080).
An image is already built on docker hub:
docker run -p 8080:80 evolbioinfo/lsd-web
You can then open your browser to (http://localhost:8080).