Yeshiva University, June 2021
Major: Biochemistry | Minor: Mathematics | GPA: 3.90
Relevant Coursework: Computational Biology of Proteins (Graduate), Biostatistics and Informatics (Graduate), Physical Chemistry I & II (Honors), Algorithms/Data Structures and Linear Algebra/Vector Calculus for Engineers (Honors).
Awards and Certifications: Kressel Research Scholar, Excellence in the Study of Natural Sciences, Excellence in Chemistry, Dean’s Scholar, EMT, Mental Health First Aid.
Coding Languages and Tools: Python (Pandas/Scikit-learn/Matplotlib/Venv/FastApi), C/C++ (HTSlib), Rust, JavaScript (Node/React/Next), R, Bash, SQL, Unix, Git, Slurm, Amber
Pericaat April 2022 - present
- Developing multithreaded Python program to aid in drug discovery by identifying pharmacologically relevant protein residues at the periphery of a protein’s interface.
What’s For Dinner? February 2022 - present
- Designing interactive C++ command line application to streamline meal planning.
Community Builder December 2021 - present
- Designing full-stack web application to organize and generate marketing campaign content.
- Implementing Database to organize data and generate detailed analytics.
Fiser Lab Website June 2021 – present
- Engineering efficient server-side rendered website using Next.js to provide external access to lab developed software.
- Creating animations and UI components with Next.js, Framer-motion, and Chakra-UI.
ISPIP May 2021 – June 2021
- Implemented Python package and GUI to assist drug target discovery by providing a machine learning based protein interface prediction and visualization tool.
Regeneron Software Engineer - NGS/GI , August 2022 – present
- Develop, implement and deploy at-speed and at-scale genome informatics solutions for large scale sequencing production.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Research Trainee, June 2021 – August 2022
- Studying the effects of mutation on protein interactions by change in binding-energy using Molecular Dynamic Simulation.
- Designing C++/Python pipeline to perform simulation, conduct statistical analyses and generate visualizations.
Katz School of Science and Health Student, January 2021 – May 2021
- Studied association between quality of sleep and health by ANOVA, chi-square, and t-test in patient data using R.
- Developed a predictive model to identify high risk patients from self-reported sleep data.
Yeshiva University Undergraduate Researcher, May 2019 – May 2021
- Created machine learning approach for protein interface prediction, improving MCC by 25% and increasing AUROC by 20%, by utilizing a Histogram-based Gradient Boosting Regression Tree algorithm.
- Implemented quality of model statistics using fast-Delong algorithm and cross-validation techniques.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Teaching Assistant, December 2021 – Present
- Lectures on introductory programming, Python and Pymol to 10 PhD students.
Yeshiva College Computer Science Journal Club Vice President, June 2020 – May 2021
- Organized and led bi-weekly discussions of foundational and SOTA CS papers to 25 fellow students.