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An async wrapper for

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Documentation for asyncdagpi

1) Obtain a token

Join the discord server here and verify yourself. Once done you can easily apply for a token via the process detailed.

2) Install the library

Use pip to install the library

pip install asyncdagpi

3) Initialise the client

from asyncdagpi import Client
API_CLIENT = Client('insert_your_token')

With this you should have a working API client that can help you authenticate and process api requests

4) Use One of the Features listed below with your client instance

  • staticimage
  • gif
  • usertextimage
  • textimage

These categories have a lot of features. A list of features can be found below or in the API documentation at docs

You can use the client with a feature as follows:

async def wanted(image_url:str):
    response = await API_CLIENT.staticimage('wanted',image_url)

5) Using the Response

The client returns an url as a default response. If the bytes=True parameter is passed then a BytesIO object is returned instead! The BytesIO response can be used in a lot of ways. Read the documentation here : BytesIOdocs in the BytesIO section.

The examples below depict a few use cases

Obtaining a url to share

async def wanted(image_url:str):
    response = await API_CLIENT.staticimage('wanted',image_url)
    return (response)

Saving Response to file

async def wanted(image_url:str):
    response = await API_CLIENT.staticimage('wanted',image_url,bytes=True)
    with open('wanted.png''wb') as out:

Opening The response with Pillow (PIL)

from PIL import Image
async def wanted(image_url:str):
    response = await API_CLIENT.staticimage('wanted',image_url,bytes=True)
    image =

Using the library and sending response as a an image in an embed

please do remember to get a discord api token and run the bot using that.

Get help with at dpy server

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '.')
async def wanted(ctx,image_url:str):
    response = await API_CLIENT.staticimage('wanted',image_url)
    embed = discord.Embed(title='DAGPI image')
    await ctx.send(embed=embed)  

6) Handling Exceptions

You can import exceptions from asyncdagpi.

from asyncdagpi import exceptions
except exceptions.ImageUnaccesible:
    print('No image at your url')

- InvalidOption

This exception is raised when the feature chosen is not in the feature list ie. wanted is not a valid feature from the available options.

- BadUrl

The api uses regex to validate urls. When an improper url is passed to the API this exception is raised

- IncorrectToken

The token passed is invalid according to the api.

- RateLimited

You are exceeding the maximum number of requests the api can take.

- FileTooLarge

The file passed os too large for the API to process

- APIError

The api raised an error. Issue with the API

- ImageUnaccesible

The API was unable to find an image at your url within timeout and

- UnkownError

This is when the API returns a non 200 code ie means an error occurred. This exception throws the status code along with a message explaining the status code.

Categories and their subsequent features


This returns an png image as an API url or (as BytesIO if bytes=True) and requires the image_url for a static image.


# feature - one of the features
# image_url - a static image url


  • wanted
  • evil
  • bad
  • hitler
  • angel
  • trash
  • satan
  • triggered
  • obama
  • hog
  • ascii
  • colors
  • rgbdata


This returns an png image as an API url or (as BytesIO if bytes=True) and requires the 2 image urls for the multiimage to be produced.

#feature: one of the features
#image_url url for first image
#second_image_url: url for image no2


  • 5g1g
  • whyareyougay


Returns a gif as an API url or (as BytesIO if bytes=True) . Takes either a static_image url or a gif url and returns a gif. Irrespective of the inupt output is always a gif.


# feature - one of the features
# image_url - a gif or static image_url


  • paint
  • solar
  • blur
  • invert
  • pixel
  • sepia
  • deepfry
  • wasted
  • gay
  • charcoal
  • jail
  • polaroid
  • night


Returns a png image as an API url or (as BytesIO if bytes=True). Takes in the following arguments


# feature - one of the features
# image_url - a static image url
# text - the text the person will say
# name - the username that will be used for the person


  • tweet
  • quote (discord message)


Depending in the feature and imput either returns a static or gif image. returns an API url or (as BytesIO if bytes=True)


# feature - one of the features
# image_url - a static image url
# text - the text the person will say


  • Thoughtimage: always returns a static response


An async wrapper for







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