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Added infill code
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Added code to infill the sliced contours and create these lines on the SVG files for viewing/confirmation.
Need to address infill spacing variable and menu options still.
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evanchodora committed Apr 19, 2018
1 parent c818bc5 commit 91e289b
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20 changes: 16 additions & 4 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,14 @@
import path
from drawlines import draw_lines

Program designed to open and view ASCII STL files
Evan Chodora, 2018
[email protected]

# Class to draw an STL object from an ASCII STL file
class DrawObject:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,9 +92,13 @@ def slice_geometry(self):
geometry, normals = gtransform.rotation(self.model.geometry, self.model.normal, 1, 180)
# Compute the clipped point pairs at the current slice z coordinate
point_pairs = slice.compute_points_on_z(geometry, z, xdim.get(), ydim.get(), zdim.get())
# Output the slices to svg files for confirmation (optional)
path.svgcreate(point_pairs, z, xdim.get())
# Run the contour building algorithm to sort the point pairs into continous contour sets
# Create infill paths (X direction)
fillx = slice.infill(point_pairs, 0, 0.25*25.4)
# Create infill path (Y direction)
filly = slice.infill(point_pairs, 1, 0.25*25.4)
# Output the slices to svg files for confirmation/viewing
path.svgcreate(point_pairs, z, xdim.get(), fillx, filly)
# Run the contour building algorithm to sort the point pairs into continuous contour sets
contour = slice.build_contours(point_pairs)
# Create printer head path CSV file
path.headpath(contour, z)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,7 +275,7 @@ def about_popup():
# Info box about the software from the Help menu
messagebox.showinfo('About STL Slicer',
'Created by Evan Chodora, 2018\n\n Designed to open and view ASCII STL files and perform'
' geometry slicing')
' geometry slicing and 3D printer path generation')

# ****** Initialize Main Window ******
Expand Down
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should be turned on when moving to that location
Evan Chodora, 2018
[email protected]

def svgcreate(pairs, z, ymax):
def svgcreate(pairs, z, ymax, fillx, filly):
# Create a new SVG file with the file name as the z-coordinate of the slice
dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('outputs/' + str(z) + '.svg', profile='tiny')

# Create lines for the geometry segments sliced on the given z-plane
for pair in pairs:
# Offset the y position by ymax-y in order to account for the difference in SVG coordinate system (+Y is down)
dwg.add(dwg.line((pair[0], ymax-pair[1]), (pair[2], ymax-pair[3]), stroke=svgwrite.rgb(0, 0, 0, "%")))
# Create lines for
for fill_line in fillx:
# Loop over points for each fill line in x (always even number)
for pts in range(int(len(fill_line[1])/2)):
dwg.add(dwg.line((fill_line[0], ymax - fill_line[1][2*pts]), (fill_line[0], ymax - fill_line[1][2*pts+1]),
stroke=svgwrite.rgb(0, 0, 0, "%")))
for fill_line in filly:
# Loop over points for each fill line in y (always even number)
for pts in range(int(len(fill_line[1])/2)):
dwg.add(dwg.line((fill_line[1][2*pts], ymax - fill_line[0]), (fill_line[1][2*pts+1], ymax - fill_line[0]),
stroke=svgwrite.rgb(0, 0, 0, "%"))) # Save the SVG file to the output folder

Expand All @@ -30,23 +43,23 @@ def headpath(contour, z):
begin = []
# Open the path.csv file to append new lines, create it if it does not exist
with open('outputs/path.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvfile:
pathwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
path_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
# Loop over the contour segments
for segment in contour:
if segment[4] == contour_num:
if start == 1:
begin = [segment[1], segment[2]]
begin = [segment[0], segment[1]]
row = [segment[0], segment[1], z, 0]
start = 0
row = [segment[0], segment[1], z, 1]
# Add the beginning coordinate to the end of a contour to complete the contour
contour_num = segment[4]
row1 = [begin[1], begin[2], z, 1]
row1 = [begin[0], begin[1], z, 1]
row2 = [segment[0], segment[1], z, 0]
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@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
import numpy as np
import gtransform
from math import isinf

Codes to slice geometry at a given value Z (height above the print bed)
Evan Chodora, 2018
[email protected]

Expand All @@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ def geom_to_bed_coords(geometry, xdim, ydim, zdim):

def interpolation(p1, p2, slice_z):

# Interpolate between points based on slice z value
vector = (p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1], p2[2] - p1[2]) # Compute the vector between point 1 and 2 on the line in 3D
rel_z = slice_z - p1[2] # Relative z = height between slice z and the z of the lower point
a = rel_z/vector[2] # Parametric length along the vector
Expand All @@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ def interpolation(p1, p2, slice_z):

def compute_points_on_z(geometry, z, xdim, ydim, zdim):

# Compute the points on the z slice plane
geometry = geom_to_bed_coords(geometry, xdim, ydim, zdim) # Position and size geometry correctly
geometry = np.around(geometry, 5)
num_faces = int((geometry.shape[0]) / 3) # Every 3 points represents a single face (length/3)
Expand All @@ -48,21 +49,21 @@ def compute_points_on_z(geometry, z, xdim, ydim, zdim):
xy = [geometry[3*(f+1)-3].tolist(), geometry[3*(f+1)-2].tolist(), geometry[3*(f+1)-1].tolist()]
# Store the 3 lines that make up face "f" using lists of points
# Remember: Screen Plotting = (X, Y, Z) and Printing Geometry = (Z, X, Y)
line = [[xy[0][2], xy[0][0], xy[0][1], xy[1][2], xy[1][0], xy[1][1]],
[xy[1][2], xy[1][0], xy[1][1], xy[2][2], xy[2][0], xy[2][1]],
[xy[2][2], xy[2][0], xy[2][1], xy[0][2], xy[0][0], xy[0][1]]]
line = [[xy[0][2], xy[0][0], xy[0][1]],
[xy[1][2], xy[1][0], xy[1][1]],
[xy[2][2], xy[2][0], xy[2][1]]]

if (line[0][2] > z and line[1][2] < z) or (line[0][2] < z and line[1][2] > z):
if (line[1][2] < z < line[0][2]) or (line[0][2] < z < line[1][2]):
p1 = [line[0][0], line[0][1], line[0][2]]
p2 = [line[1][0], line[1][1], line[1][2]]
pairs.append(interpolation(p1, p2, z))

if (line[0][2] > z and line[2][2] < z) or (line[0][2] < z and line[2][2] > z):
if (line[2][2] < z < line[0][2]) or (line[0][2] < z < line[2][2]):
p1 = [line[0][0], line[0][1], line[0][2]]
p2 = [line[2][0], line[2][1], line[2][2]]
pairs.append(interpolation(p1, p2, z))

if (line[1][2] > z and line[2][2] < z) or (line[1][2] < z and line[2][2] > z):
if (line[2][2] < z < line[1][2]) or (line[1][2] < z < line[2][2]):
p1 = [line[1][0], line[1][1], line[1][2]]
p2 = [line[2][0], line[2][1], line[2][2]]
pairs.append(interpolation(p1, p2, z))
Expand All @@ -79,21 +80,23 @@ def compute_points_on_z(geometry, z, xdim, ydim, zdim):
points = [item for sublist in points for item in sublist] # Flatten list sets into an array
edge_points = np.asarray(points).reshape((-1, 4)) # Reshape and convert to X1Y1, X2Y2 numpy array
edge_points = np.asarray(points).reshape((-1, 4)) # Reshape and convert to X1,Y1,X2,Y2 numpy array
edge_points = np.around(edge_points, 5)

return edge_points

def build_contours(edge_points):
# Function to build continuous contours for point sets on the slice z
contours = [] # Initialize contour point loop array
contour_num = 1
tol = 0.005
contour_num = 1 # Initialize the count for the number of contours
tol = 0.005 # Tolerance criteria for matching the next point in the contour
points_left = edge_points # Initialize points that are remaining = original points
tail = []
loop_cnt = 1
loop_cnt = 1 # Count number of times searhced over the remaining points for geometry error handling
while len(points_left) != 0: # Loop over the point pairs and the index in the data array
j = 1
if not contours: # First point pair needs to be added to the contour data
if not contours: # First point pair needs to be added to the contour data if variable is empty
pair = points_left[0, :]
contours.append([pair[0], pair[1], pair[2], pair[3], contour_num])
tail = [pair[2], pair[3]] # Tail is the second point of the line pair
Expand All @@ -103,13 +106,13 @@ def build_contours(edge_points):
if abs(pair[0]-tail[0]) < tol and abs(pair[1]-tail[1]) < tol:
contours.append([pair[0], pair[1], pair[2], pair[3], contour_num])
points_left = np.delete(points_left, j-1, axis=0)
tail = [pair[2], pair[3]]
tail = [pair[2], pair[3]] # Tail is the second point of the line pair
loop_cnt = 1
if abs(pair[2] - tail[0]) < tol and abs(pair[3] - tail[1]) < tol:
contours.append([pair[2], pair[3], pair[0], pair[1], contour_num])
points_left = np.delete(points_left, j-1, axis=0)
tail = [pair[0], pair[1]]
tail = [pair[0], pair[1]] # Tail is the second point of the line pair
loop_cnt = 1
j = j + 1
Expand All @@ -121,5 +124,40 @@ def build_contours(edge_points):
contours.append([pair[0], pair[1], pair[2], pair[3], contour_num])
tail = [pair[2], pair[3]] # Tail is the second point of the line pair
points_left = np.delete(points_left, 0, axis=0) # Remove the point pair from the array of points
contours = np.asarray(contours).reshape((-1, 5))
contours = np.asarray(contours).reshape((-1, 5)) # Reshape and convert to X1,Y1,X2,Y2,contour_num numpy array

return contours

def infill(pairs, dir, spacing):
# Function to compute the line infill spacing for the 3D printing
# direction: X=0, Y=1
fill = []

if len(pairs) != 0:
# Calculate max and min dimensions of the sliced points
min_pos = min(np.min(pairs[:, dir]), np.min(pairs[:, dir+2]))
max_pos = max(np.max(pairs[:, dir]), np.max(pairs[:, dir+2]))

num_passes = int((max_pos - min_pos)/spacing) # Number of infill lines to cover the object

for fill_pass in range(num_passes):
loc = min_pos + fill_pass*spacing # Increment fill pass position by the infill spacing variable
pts = []
for segment in pairs:
if segment[dir] < loc < segment[dir+2] or segment[dir+2] < loc < segment[dir]:
m = (segment[3]-segment[1])/(segment[2]-segment[0])
# Fill lines at x-locations
if dir == 0:
pts.append(m * (loc - segment[dir]) + segment[dir + 1]) # y = m(x_loc-x1)+y1
# Fill lines at y-locations
# Check if the slope is infinite (#/0)
if isinf(m):
pts.append(segment[dir+1]) # Intercept at either x-location of the segment
pts.append((loc-segment[dir])/m + segment[dir-1]) # x = (y_loc-y1)/m + x1
pts.sort() # Sort points in order to construct infill path lines
fill.append((loc, pts)) # Append to fill path list

return fill

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