Media processing throttling, new date normalization, lookup for specific records and warn content tier zero records
MET-4417 Implement warning if any records have tier 0.
MET-4564 Implement Media Processing Throttling levels.
MET-4656, MET-4711 Implement and integrate new date normalization.
MET-4669 Download records from error report.
MET-4672 Lookup/request a specific record by eCloudID.
MET-4673 Lookup/request a specific record by europeanaID.
MET-4720, MET-4761 New date normalization data is saved during indexing.
MET-4220 Fix image magic to clean temporary directories and prevent uses all disk space.
MET-4705 Fix Problem pattern P1 to detect titles that are identical ignoring case.
MET-4614 Unification of ZipFileReader and CompressedFileExtractor.