Install python3
Create virtual env:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install driver for chrome browser from http://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
Create a csv file with routers data:;80;;;admin:admin;ZTE_ZXHN_H298A
Add/Update router settings, if needed to config.yaml. It describes steps needed to login, navigate to DNS settings page and update settings.
./router_reset_dns.py reset --driver-path ~/Downloads/chromedriver_mac64_m1/chromedriver --routers routers.csv --dns, --config config.yaml
Optinally, you can set --start-from
which effectively skips any preceeding items in the routers file.
- Build
- Run
./docker_run.sh -c config.yaml -r routers.csv -d,
./router_reset_dns.py reset --driver-path ~/Downloads/chromedriver --routers routers.csv --new-password 1111 --config config.yaml --start-from 0 --debug