Shooting Portals is a 2D puzzle-based platformer for PC. It is developed using Unity and Playfab. There are a total of 10 levels. You can play the game here and a walkthrough can be found here.
The game revolves around the main character Pulse, who is a researcher and inventor of portal technology. He invented the Portal Gate, which allows one to travel to different galaxies. However, his dog, Orbit, accidentally ran into the Portal Gate. Pulse thus sets off on his adventure to rescue Orbit.
The login system allows one to register for a Shooting Portals account. The Shooting Portals account will track one's level progress and customisable controls, so his/her game data is retained across game sessions and devices.
One can select and play the desired level using the Level Selection interface.
Loading screens are presented when players transition from one scene to another.
Player mechanics available in Shooting Portals include basic movement and portal-based abilities.
Pulse can shoot a portal bullet using his portal gun. If the portal bullet hits terrain, it spawns a portal. Pulse can have a maximum of 2 portals, where spawning a third one would destroy the first portal. When there is 1 portal, there is no special effect. When there are 2 portals, Pulse can teleport from one portal to another.
Players can pause the game and bring up the pause menu when playing in any level. Features in the pause menu include resume game, restart level, customise key bindings and quit level.
At the top left of the screen, there will be a count that indicates the number of existing portals that the player has.
In Shooting Portals, the player has only 1 life. However, there are checkpoints in every room (excluding boss levels). Hence, if the player dies in a room, he will respawn in the current room, allowing him to try again.
In Levels 1 and 2, there are tutorial prompts that utilise both text and graphics to explain to new players how to play the game.
We included cutscenes that utilised animations and dialogue boxes to advance the storyline through the game.
Developed by: Thio Leng Kiat and Eugene Tang
Assets by:
- Sci-fi RPG Furniture Sprites by Xenophero
- Free Sci-fi Tileset by Haiyoooo
- 16 x 16 Industrial Tileset, 16 x 16+ Robot Tileset by 0x72
- Pixel Space by Deep-Fold
- Free Celestial Objects Pixel Art Pack by N2D
- Sci-fi Character Pack 5, Dungeon Enemy Pack 2 by Penusbmic
- Sprite Pack 3 by GrafxKid
- 2D Pixel Art Portal Sprites, 2D Pixel Art Fox Sprites by Elthen’s Pixel Art Shop
- Sunny Land Forest, Magic Cliffs Pixel Art Environment, Stomper Platform Assets, Grotto Escape Pack, Grotto Escape II, Warped Caves by Ansimuz
- Pixel Adventure, Pixel Adventure 2 by Pixel Frog
- Monster Pack Animations by 1-Bit Pudding Games
- 2D Pixel Gun Hero 2 by Kin Ng (paid asset)
- Crosshair Pack by Kenney
- Acid Spell Effect, Dark Spell Effect, Ice Spell Effect 01, Holy Spell Effect, Wind Spell Effect 02, Magical Animation Effects by Pimen
- Maybe by LunaLucid
- She Will Try by ChillMindscapes
- Spooky Cave by Ezdeha
- Free Casual Game SFX Pack by Dustyroom
- Fantasy Sfx and 8-bit Sfx by Little Robot Sound Factory
- Shooting Sound, Arcade Game BGM #3, Achievement SFX FREE, Asia Tension BGM, RPG BGM Lobby by B.G.M
- Free Laser Weapons by Daniel SoundsGood
- Free Casual SoundFX Pack by Tim Beek
- 200 Free SFX by KronBits
- 04b_30 by 04
- Dogica by Roberto Mocci