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There are exists some 2K modification boards (usually named Agan X230) for Lenovo Thinkpad X220/X230: link. This program can change 2K display brightness via board’s USBHID interface.
Program written only for FreeBSD.
To build program autotools
and bash
is necessary.
./scripts/ ./configure make sudo make install
Last command will install compiled binary and man page. Also, it will install
necessary devd rule to /usr/local/etc/devd/agan.conf
After installation you can reboot computer to apply devd rule. Just a devd restart will not work - because AGAN X230 board soldered to motherboard and cannot be reconnected. New devd rule will be applied only on system startup.
User, which want to use this program, should be on the wheel
group. If you
want to use another group — edit the agan.conf
Brightness from AGAN X230 can take values from 0 to 15.
To read brightness from board just run:
To write brightness to board:
brightness_agan2k -b 10
brightness_agan2k --brightness 10