- Fork this repo https://github.com/steemfans/post-article-as-schedual.
- After forked, go to your forked repo's Settings panel.
- In the General settings, enable Issues in Features.
- Then on the left side, click Secrets -> Actions -> New repository secret. Here, you need set three key-value pairs.
- USERNAME: This is your steem account name.
- POSTING_KEY: This is your steem account posting key.
- TZ: This is your local timezone. example: Asia/Shanghai. Please refer to this: https://timezonedb.com/time-zones.
- Go to Actions panel. Click I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them.
- In the next page, click Post to Steem Schedual, you will see This scheduled workflow is disabled because scheduled workflows are disabled by default in forks. Click Enable workflow.
- Now you can add issue to schedual your posting action. There is an issue template you could reference.
Attention! The github action schedual is not precision because of the huge queued jobs on all Github platform.
title: Your article title
tags: Your article tags, example: tag1,tag2,tag3
reward: Detail instruction is here ([https://github.com/steemfans/post-to-steem-action#reward](https://github.com/steemfans/post-to-steem-action#reward))
date: Your schedual posting date. The format MUST be *YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss*, example: 2022-04-01 00:01:10
Your article content starts here.
Any question, please feel free to create an issue on here => https://github.com/steemfans/post-article-as-schedual/issues.
If you think this tool is awesome, please give me a witness vote. Thank you!
My witness name: ety001.
or use direct link to vote: https://auth.steem.fans/sign/account_witness_vote?approve=1&witness=ety001
- 克隆这个仓库 https://github.com/steemfans/post-article-as-schedual.
- 克隆完成后, 进入你克隆的仓库的 Settings 面板.
- 在 General 中, 找到 Features, 启用 Issues.
- 在左边栏, 依次点击 Secrets -> Actions -> New repository secret. 在这里, 你需要添加三组 key-value 对.
- USERNAME: 你的 Steem 用户名.
- POSTING_KEY: 你的 Steem 账户的 Posting Key.
- TZ: 你的当地时区. 例如: Asia/Shanghai. 具体可以参考这里: https://timezonedb.com/time-zones
- 点击 Actions 面板,再点击 I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them.
- 在下个页面, 点击 Post to Steem Schedual 后你会看到 This scheduled workflow is disabled because scheduled workflows are disabled by default in forks, 点击 Enable workflow.
- 现在你可以添加 issue 来安排你的发文计划了. 在添加新的 issue 的时候,会有一个模板供你参考.
注意! Github action 由于使用的人太多, 他的计划任务的时间并不精确.
title: Your article title
tags: Your article tags, example: tag1,tag2,tag3
reward: Detail instruction is here ([https://github.com/steemfans/post-to-steem-action#reward](https://github.com/steemfans/post-to-steem-action#reward))
date: Your schedual posting date. The format MUST be *YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss*, example: 2022-04-01 00:01:10
Your article content starts here.
如果有任何问题,请到这里提交 issue => https://github.com/steemfans/post-article-as-schedual/issues.
我的用户名是: ety001.
或者你也可以直接使用下面的链接进行投票: https://auth.steem.fans/sign/account_witness_vote?approve=1&witness=ety001