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Compute separate position and rotation trajectories.
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karenbodie committed Aug 20, 2019
1 parent 1659874 commit 40a2aab
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Showing 6 changed files with 131 additions and 51 deletions.
27 changes: 20 additions & 7 deletions mav_trajectory_generation/src/segment.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,10 +199,6 @@ bool Segment::getSegmentWithSingleDimension(int dimension,

bool Segment::getSegmentWithAppendedDimension(const Segment& segment_to_append,
Segment* new_segment) const {
if (time_ != segment_to_append.getTime()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "The appended segment needs the same segment time.";
return false;
if (N_ == 0 || D_ == 0) {
*new_segment = segment_to_append;
return true;
Expand All @@ -215,14 +211,31 @@ bool Segment::getSegmentWithAppendedDimension(const Segment& segment_to_append,
// Get common polynomial order.
const int new_N = std::max(segment_to_append.N(), N_);
const int new_D = D_ + segment_to_append.D();

// Create temporary segments to scale polynomials if necessary.
Segment current_segment = *this;
Segment segment_to_append_temp = segment_to_append;

// Scale segment polynomials to the longer segment time.
const double new_time = std::max(time_, segment_to_append.getTime());
if (time_ < new_time){
for (int d = 0; d < D_; d++) {
current_segment[d].scalePolynomialInTime(time_ / new_time);
} else if (segment_to_append.getTime() < new_time) {
for (int d = 0; d < segment_to_append.D(); d++) {
segment_to_append_temp[d].scalePolynomialInTime(segment_to_append.getTime() / new_time);

*new_segment = Segment(new_N, new_D);

if (N_ == segment_to_append.N()) {
for (int i = 0; i < new_D; i++) {
if (i < D_) {
(*new_segment)[i] = polynomials_[i];
(*new_segment)[i] = current_segment[i];
} else {
(*new_segment)[i] = segment_to_append[i - D_];
(*new_segment)[i] = segment_to_append_temp[i - D_];
} else {
Expand All @@ -243,7 +256,7 @@ bool Segment::getSegmentWithAppendedDimension(const Segment& segment_to_append,

return true;

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Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,17 @@ class ExamplePlanner {
// Plans a trajectory to take off from the current position and
// fly to the given altitude (while maintaining x,y, and yaw).
bool planTrajectory(const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_pos,
const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_vel);
const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_vel,
mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory* trajectory);

bool planTrajectory(const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_pos,
const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_vel,
const Eigen::VectorXd& start_pos,
const Eigen::VectorXd& start_vel,
double v_max, double a_max,
mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory* trajectory);

bool publishTrajectory(const mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory& trajectory);

ros::Publisher pub_markers_;
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12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions mav_trajectory_generation_example/src/
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Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ void ExamplePlanner::setMaxSpeed(const double max_v) {
// Plans a trajectory from the current position to the a goal position and velocity
// we neglect attitude here for simplicity
bool ExamplePlanner::planTrajectory(const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_pos,
const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_vel) {
const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_vel,
mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory* trajectory) {

// 3 Dimensional trajectory => through carteisan space, no orientation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,10 +105,12 @@ bool ExamplePlanner::planTrajectory(const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_pos,

// get trajectory as polynomial parameters
mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory trajectory;

return true;

bool ExamplePlanner::publishTrajectory(const mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory& trajectory){
// send trajectory as markers to display them in RVIZ
visualization_msgs::MarkerArray markers;
double distance =
Expand All @@ -120,9 +123,8 @@ bool ExamplePlanner::planTrajectory(const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_pos,

// send trajectory to be executed on UAV
mav_planning_msgs::PolynomialTrajectory4D msg;
mav_planning_msgs::PolynomialTrajectory msg;
msg.header.frame_id = "world";
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123 changes: 87 additions & 36 deletions mav_trajectory_generation_example/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ void ExamplePlanner::uavOdomCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& odom) {
// store current position in our planner
tf::poseMsgToEigen(odom->pose.pose, current_pose_);

// store current vleocity
// store current velocity
tf::vectorMsgToEigen(odom->twist.twist.linear, current_velocity_);
tf::vectorMsgToEigen(odom->twist.twist.angular, current_angular_velocity_);
Expand All @@ -38,62 +38,108 @@ void ExamplePlanner::setMaxSpeed(const double max_v) {

// Plans a trajectory from the current position to the a goal position and velocity
// we neglect attitude here for simplicity
bool ExamplePlanner::planTrajectory(const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_pos,
const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_vel) {

// 3 Dimensional trajectory =>
// 4 Dimensional trajectory =>
bool ExamplePlanner::planTrajectory(
const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_pos, const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_vel,
mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory* trajectory) {

// 3 Dimensional trajectory => 3D position
// 4 Dimensional trajectory => 3D position + yaw
// 6 Dimensional trajectory => through SE(3) space, position and orientation
const int dimension = goal_pos.size();
const double v_max = 2.0;
const double a_max = 2.0;
const double ang_v_max = 2.0;
const double ang_a_max = 2.0;
bool success = false;

if (dimension == 6)
mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory trajectory_trans, trajectory_rot;

// Translation trajectory.
Eigen::Vector3d goal_position = goal_pos.head(3);
Eigen::Vector3d goal_lin_vel = goal_vel.head(3);
success = planTrajectory(
goal_position, goal_lin_vel, current_pose_.translation(), current_velocity_, v_max,
a_max, &trajectory_trans);

// Rotation trajectory.
Eigen::Vector3d goal_rotation = goal_pos.tail(3);
Eigen::Vector3d goal_ang_vel = goal_vel.tail(3);
Eigen::Vector3d current_rot_vec;
current_pose_.rotation(), &current_rot_vec);
success &= planTrajectory(
goal_rotation, goal_ang_vel, current_rot_vec, current_angular_velocity_, ang_v_max,
ang_a_max, &trajectory_rot);

// Combine trajectories.
success &= trajectory_trans.getTrajectoryWithAppendedDimension(
trajectory_rot, &(*trajectory));
return success;
else if (dimension == 3)
success = planTrajectory(
goal_pos, goal_vel, current_pose_.translation(), current_velocity_,
v_max, a_max, &(*trajectory));
return success;
else if (dimension == 4)
Eigen::Vector4d start_pos_4d, start_vel_4d;
start_pos_4d << current_pose_.translation(), mav_msgs::yawFromQuaternion((Eigen::Quaterniond)current_pose_.rotation());
start_vel_4d << current_velocity_, 0.0;
success = planTrajectory(
goal_pos, goal_vel, start_pos_4d, start_vel_4d,
v_max, a_max, &(*trajectory));
return success;
LOG(WARNING) << "Dimension must be 3, 4 or 6 to be valid.";
return false;

// Array for all waypoints and their constrains
// Plans a trajectory from a start position and velocity to a goal position and velocity
bool ExamplePlanner::planTrajectory(const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_pos,
const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_vel,
const Eigen::VectorXd& start_pos,
const Eigen::VectorXd& start_vel,
double v_max, double a_max,
mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory* trajectory) {
const int dimension = goal_pos.size();
// Array for all waypoints and their constraints
mav_trajectory_generation::Vertex::Vector vertices;

// Optimze up to 4th order derivative (SNAP)
const int derivative_to_optimize =

// we have 2 vertices:
// Start = current pose and twist
// end = desired pose and twist
// start = desired start vector
// end = desired end vector
mav_trajectory_generation::Vertex start(dimension), end(dimension);

/******* Configure start point *******/
// set start point constraints to current position and set all derivatives to zero
Eigen::VectorXd current_pose_vector(6);
Eigen::Vector3d current_rot_vec;
mav_msgs::vectorFromRotationMatrix(current_pose_.rotation(), &current_rot_vec);
current_pose_vector << current_pose_.translation(), current_rot_vec;

// set start point's velocity to be constrained to current velocity
Eigen::VectorXd current_twist(6);
current_twist << current_velocity_, current_angular_velocity_;
start.makeStartOrEnd(start_pos, derivative_to_optimize);

// add waypoint to list

/******* Configure end point *******/
// set end point constraints to desired position and set all derivatives to zero

// set start point's velocity to be constrained to current velocity
end.makeStartOrEnd(goal_pos, derivative_to_optimize);

// add waypoint to list

// setimate initial segment times
std::vector<double> segment_times;
const double v_max = 2.0;
const double a_max = 2.0;
segment_times = estimateSegmentTimes(vertices, v_max, a_max);

// Set up polynomial solver with default params
Expand All @@ -112,9 +158,14 @@ bool ExamplePlanner::planTrajectory(const Eigen::VectorXd& goal_pos,

// get trajectory as polynomial parameters
mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory trajectory;
trajectory->scaleSegmentTimesToMeetConstraints(v_max, a_max);

return true;

bool ExamplePlanner::publishTrajectory(const mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory& trajectory){
// send trajectory as markers to display them in RVIZ
visualization_msgs::MarkerArray markers;
double distance =
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
ros::spinOnce(); // process a few messages in the background - causes the uavPoseCallback to happen

planner.planTrajectory(pose, twist);
mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory trajectory;
planner.planTrajectory(pose, twist, &trajectory);

return 0;
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
ros::spinOnce(); // process a few messages in the background - causes the uavPoseCallback to happen

planner.planTrajectory(position, velocity);
mav_trajectory_generation::Trajectory trajectory;
planner.planTrajectory(position, velocity, &trajectory);

return 0;
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