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Releases: eth-educators/ethstaker-deposit-cli

Ethereum Key Forge

18 Dec 19:29
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This is the first production release for ethstaker-deposit-cli. It includes all the fixes and recommendations from our security assessment report from Trail of Bits that was completed on December 13, 2024.

Notable changes from the original project include:

  • New exit commands to create an exit message and perform a voluntary exit for your validators.
  • Multiprocessing support to increase the speed of processes that can be expanded to use more than a single thread or a single process. This helps with generating a large number of validator keys for instance.
  • Support for more recent OSes and Python versions by default.
  • A dedicated documentation website.
  • Support for compounding or 0x02 withdrawal credentials for EIP-7251 and the upcoming Pectra fork.

All changes

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v1.0.0

Building process

Release assets were built using Github Actions and this workflow run. You can establish the provenance of this build using our artifact attestations.

With the GitHub CLI installed, a simple way to verify these assets is to run this command while replacing [filename] with the path to the downloaded asset:

gh attestation verify [filename] --repo eth-educators/ethstaker-deposit-cli

This step requires you to be online. If you want to perform this offline, follow these instructions from GitHub.


System Architecture Binary Checksum
Windows x86_64 sha256
macOS x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-4ce275e-darwin-amd64.tar.gz sha256
macOS aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-4ce275e-darwin-arm64.tar.gz sha256
Linux x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-4ce275e-linux-amd64.tar.gz sha256
Linux aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-4ce275e-linux-arm64.tar.gz sha256

Docker image

Version Name Package
v1.0.0 Github Package


By downloading and using this software, you agree to the license.

Key Safety

26 Nov 14:30
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Key Safety Pre-release


This is our main release after our security assessment with Trail of Bits. This release include all fixes and changes that were recommended from the draft report that was shown to us. It includes fixes for the following issues:

  • Use of unpinned third-party docker image and actions on workflows [TOB-ETHSTAKER-1] #181
  • Use of GPG for release signing and verification [TOB-ETHSTAKER-2] #182
  • Sensitive files are incorrectly assigned permissions and ownership [TOB-ETHSTAKER-3] #183
  • Error-prone path handling [TOB-ETHSTAKER-4] #184
  • Emphasize critical warning regarding clipboard clearing [TOB-ETHSTAKER-5] #185
  • Terminal buffer is not cleared on iterm2 [TOB-ETHSTAKER-7] #186
  • Code Quality Recommendations from ToB #187
  • Encryption function random parameters are set at program init [TOB-ETHSTAKER-6] #238

A security issue was discovered during a security review of the ethstaker-deposit-cli project by Trail of Bits. This vulnerability affects users who previously generated multiple keystore files in a single run using staking-deposit-cli (formerly eth2-deposit-cli), ethstaker-deposit-cli, or Wagyu Key Gen. If a malicious actor obtains your keystore files, there is a risk of exposing the private keys. While a small number of leaked keystore files would require significant computing power to exploit, the attack becomes increasingly feasible as more files are compromised from a single tool run.

We strongly recommend using the updated version of ethstaker-deposit-cli to create new validator keys if you want to add more validators to an existing setup or if you are starting from scratch. If you believe your previously generated keystore files were not leaked or exposed to any malicious actor, no further action is necessary. However, if you suspect a large number of keystore files from a single tool run may have been potentially exposed, you should assume the keystore private keys have been compromised.

All changes

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0

Building process

Release assets were built using Github Actions and this workflow run. You can establish the provenance of this build using our artifact attestations.

With the GitHub CLI installed, a simple way to verify these assets is to run this command while replacing [filename] with the path to the downloaded asset:

gh attestation verify [filename] --repo eth-educators/ethstaker-deposit-cli

This step requires you to be online. If you want to perform this offline, follow these instructions from GitHub.


System Architecture Binary Checksum
Windows x86_64 sha256
macOS x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-932a916-darwin-amd64.tar.gz sha256
macOS aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-932a916-darwin-arm64.tar.gz sha256
Linux x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-932a916-linux-amd64.tar.gz sha256
Linux aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-932a916-linux-arm64.tar.gz sha256

Docker image

Version Name Package
v0.6.0 Github Package


By downloading and using this software, you agree to the license.

Consolidated Power

10 Nov 01:06
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Consolidated Power Pre-release


This release adds the Mekong testnet settings and it implements compounding or 0x02 withdrawal credentials from EIP 7251. To target the Mekong testnet, simply use --chain mekong or enter mekong when prompted for a chain name with the various commands.

Known Issues

There are still an issue left to resolve from the security assessment from Trail of Bits.

All changes

What's Changed

  • Bump cached-property from 1.5.2 to 2.0.1 by @dependabot in #229
  • Bump tomli from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 by @dependabot in #230
  • Adding the Mekong testnet settings as another supported testnet by @remyroy in #231
  • Add support for compounding validators and the related withdrawal credentials from EIP 7251 by @remyroy in #228

Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0

Building process

Release assets were built using Github Actions and this workflow run. You can establish the provenance of this build using our artifact attestations.

With the GitHub CLI installed, a simple way to verify these assets is to run this command while replacing [filename] with the path to the downloaded asset:

gh attestation verify [filename] --repo eth-educators/ethstaker-deposit-cli

This step requires you to be online. If you want to perform this offline, follow these instructions from GitHub.


System Architecture Binary Checksum
Windows x86_64 sha256
macOS x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-97a534a-darwin-amd64.tar.gz sha256
macOS aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-97a534a-darwin-arm64.tar.gz sha256
Linux x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-97a534a-linux-amd64.tar.gz sha256
Linux aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-97a534a-linux-arm64.tar.gz sha256

Docker image

Version Name Package
v0.5.0 Github Package


By downloading and using this software, you agree to the license.

Safer Staking Steps

04 Nov 00:32
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Safer Staking Steps Pre-release


This is our first release after our security assessment with Trail of Bits. This release include fixes and changes from the draft report that was shown to us. It includes fixes for the following issues:

  • Use of unpinned third-party docker image and actions on workflows [TOB-ETHSTAKER-1] #181
  • Use of GPG for release signing and verification [TOB-ETHSTAKER-2] #182
  • Sensitive files are incorrectly assigned permissions and ownership [TOB-ETHSTAKER-3] #183
  • Error-prone path handling [TOB-ETHSTAKER-4] #184
  • Emphasize critical warning regarding clipboard clearing [TOB-ETHSTAKER-5] #185
  • Terminal buffer is not cleared on iterm2 [TOB-ETHSTAKER-7] #186
  • Code Quality Recommendations from ToB #187

Known Issues

There are still an issue left to resolve from the security assessment from Trail of Bits.

All changes

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.4.0

Building process

Release assets were built using Github Actions and this workflow run. You can establish the provenance of this build using our artifact attestations.

With the GitHub CLI installed, a simple way to verify these assets is to run this command while replacing [filename] with the path to the downloaded asset:

gh attestation verify [filename] --repo eth-educators/ethstaker-deposit-cli

This step requires you to be online. If you want to perform this offline, follow these instructions from GitHub.


System Architecture Binary Checksum
Windows x86_64 sha256
macOS x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-fb25c7b-darwin-amd64.tar.gz sha256
macOS aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-fb25c7b-darwin-arm64.tar.gz sha256
Linux x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-fb25c7b-linux-amd64.tar.gz sha256
Linux aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-fb25c7b-linux-arm64.tar.gz sha256

Docker image

Version Name Package
v0.4.0 Github Package


By downloading and using this software, you agree to the license.

Smooth Escape

30 Sep 00:05
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Smooth Escape Pre-release


This preview release contains all the changes made since the original fork of the staking-deposit-cli project (fdab65d commit) and all the improvements the EthStaker team has been working on to enhance the feature set and address issues in preparation for our security audit.

All changes

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1

Building process

Release assets were built using GitHub Actions and this workflow run. You can verify the provenance of this build using our artifact attestations.


Our binaries are signed with ethstaker-deposit-cli's PGP key: 54FA06FC0860FC0DCCC68E3ECE9FF2391DF26368.

System Architecture Binary Checksum PGP Signature
Windows x86_64 sha256 PGP Signature
macOS x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-66054f5-darwin-amd64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
macOS aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-66054f5-darwin-arm64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
Linux x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-66054f5-linux-amd64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
Linux aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-66054f5-linux-arm64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature

Docker image

Version Name Package
v0.2.1 GitHub Package


By downloading and using this software, you agree to the license.

Audit Armor

29 Sep 22:13
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Audit Armor Pre-release


This preview release contains all the changes made since the original fork of the staking-deposit-cli project (fdab65d commit) and all the improvements the EthStaker team has been working on to enhance the feature set and address issues in preparation for our security audit.

All changes

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.1.4...v0.2.0

Building process

Release assets were built using GitHub Actions and this workflow run. You can verify the provenance of this build using our artifact attestations.


Our binaries are signed with ethstaker-deposit-cli's PGP key: 54FA06FC0860FC0DCCC68E3ECE9FF2391DF26368.

System Architecture Binary Checksum PGP Signature
Windows x86_64 sha256 PGP Signature
macOS x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-18abde3-darwin-amd64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
macOS aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-18abde3-darwin-arm64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
Linux x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-18abde3-linux-amd64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
Linux aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-18abde3-linux-arm64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature

Docker image

Version Name Package
v0.2.0 GitHub Package


By downloading and using this software, you agree to the license.

Prelude to Scrutiny

23 Sep 13:39
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Prelude to Scrutiny Pre-release


This preview release contains all the latest changes from the work being done to prepare for the security audit. This release is a test for the full release process.

Known Issues

  • Using mnemonic words that are possible in multiple languages will potentially lead to hidden behaviors. See #119

All changes

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4

Building process

Release assets were built using Github Actions and this workflow run. You can establish the provenance of this build using our artifact attestations.


Our binaries are signed with ethstaker-deposit-cli's PGP key: 54FA06FC0860FC0DCCC68E3ECE9FF2391DF26368 .

System Architecture Binary Checksum PGP Signature
Windows x86_64 sha256 PGP Signature
macOS x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-cf2503e-darwin-amd64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
macOS aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-cf2503e-darwin-arm64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
Linux x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-cf2503e-linux-amd64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
Linux aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-cf2503e-linux-arm64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature

Docker image

Version Name Package
v0.1.4 Github Package


By downloading and using this software, you agree to the license.

Dress Rehearsal

16 Sep 16:54
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Dress Rehearsal Pre-release


This preview release contains all the latest changes from the work being done to prepare for the security audit. This release is a test for the full release process.

All changes

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3

Building process

Release assets were built using Github Actions and this workflow run. You can establish the provenance of this build using our artifact attestations.


Our binaries are signed with ethstaker-deposit-cli's PGP key: 54FA06FC0860FC0DCCC68E3ECE9FF2391DF26368 .

System Architecture Binary Checksum PGP Signature
Windows x86_64 sha256 PGP Signature
macOS x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-90b09a9-darwin-amd64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
macOS aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-90b09a9-darwin-arm64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
Linux x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-90b09a9-linux-amd64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
Linux aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-90b09a9-linux-arm64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature

Docker image

Version Name Package
v0.1.3 Github Package


By downloading and using this software, you agree to the license.

Impetuous Import

23 Aug 15:02
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Impetuous Import Pre-release

This release adds a so ethstaker_deposit can be imported as a Python module by other projects.

All notes from v0.1.1 otherwise apply.

Do-Over Deposit

26 Jul 19:48
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Do-Over Deposit Pre-release


This preview release contains a fix to #84 , the issue we had with the previous release.

Known Issues

Python 3.9 and macOS

Running the test suite seems to break once in a while on macOS with Python 3.9. This is likely to be an issue with that version of Python with multiprocessing on macOS. This is still being investigated.

All changes

  • Update pyinstaller packages for build configs by @remyroy in #85

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1

Building process

Release assets were built using Github Actions and this workflow run. You can establish the provenance of this build using our artifact attestations.


Our binaries are signed with ethstaker-deposit-cli's PGP key: 54FA06FC0860FC0DCCC68E3ECE9FF2391DF26368 .

System Architecture Binary Checksum PGP Signature
Windows x86_64 sha256 PGP Signature
macOS x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-e1cedbc-darwin-amd64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
macOS aarch64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-e1cedbc-darwin-arm64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature
Linux x86_64 ethstaker_deposit-cli-e1cedbc-linux-amd64.tar.gz sha256 PGP Signature

Docker image

Version Name Package
v0.1.1 Github Package


By downloading and using this software, you agree to the license.