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Rav3n95 authored Jan 18, 2023
0 parents commit f6f8158
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Showing 21 changed files with 2,187 additions and 0 deletions.
674 changes: 674 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE

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62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions
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# esx_society

Society management for ESX. Adds employee management (hire, fire, promote / demote, change salary), society bank accounts and money washing. It's crucial that this script gets started before all resources that utilize societies do, or else many things will go wrong.

## Requirements
- [cron](
- [esx_addonaccount](

## Download & Installation

### Using [fvm](
fvm install --save --folder=esx esx-org/esx_society

### Using Git
cd resources
git clone [esx]/esx_society

### Manually
- Download
- Put it in the `[esx]` directory

## Installation
- Import `esx_society.sql` in your database
- Add this in your `server.cfg`:

start esx_society

## Explanation
ESX Society works with addon accounts named 'society_xxx', for example 'society_taxi' or 'society_realestateagent'. If you job grade is 'boss' the society money will be displayed in your hud.

## Usage
local society = 'taxi'
local amount = 100

TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:withdrawMoney', society, amount)
TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:depositMoney', society, amount)
TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:washMoney', society, amount)

TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', society, function (data, menu)
end, {wash = false}) -- set custom options, e.g disable washing

# Legal
### License
esx_society - societies for ESX

Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Jérémie N'gadi

This program Is free software: you can redistribute it And/Or modify it under the terms Of the GNU General Public License As published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 Of the License, Or (at your option) any later version.

This program Is distributed In the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty Of MERCHANTABILITY Or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License For more details.

You should have received a copy Of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If Not, see
399 changes: 399 additions & 0 deletions client/main.lua

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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions config.lua
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Config = {}

Config.Locale = GetConvar('esx:locale', 'en')
Config.EnableESXIdentity = true
Config.MaxSalary = 3500
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions esx_society.sql
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

CREATE TABLE `society_moneywash` (
`identifier` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
`society` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
`amount` int NOT NULL,

) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions fxmanifest.lua
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fx_version 'adamant'

game 'gta5'

description 'ESX Society'
lua54 'yes'
version '1.0'
legacyversion '1.9.1'

shared_script '@es_extended/imports.lua'

server_scripts {

client_scripts {

dependencies {
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions locales/br.lua
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Locales['br'] = {
['actions'] = 'ações',
['boss_menu'] = 'menu chefe',
['money_generic'] = '$%s',
['deposit_amount'] = 'valor do depósito',
['deposit_society_money'] = 'depositar dinheiro da sociedade',
['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'você quer recrutar %s?',
['employee'] = 'empregado',
['employee_list'] = 'lista de empregados',
['employee_management'] = 'gestão de funcionários',
['fire'] = 'fogo',
['grade'] = 'grau(escolaridade)',
['have_deposited'] = 'você depositou ~r~$%s',
['have_withdrawn'] = 'você retirou $%s',
['invalid_amount'] = 'montante inválido',
['invalid_amount_max'] = 'esse salário não é permitido',
['invalid_value'] = 'invalid value',
['invalid_value_nochanges']= 'invalid value, no changes applied',
['no'] = 'não',
['promote'] = 'promover',
['promote_employee'] = 'promover %s',
['recruit'] = 'recrutar',
['recruiting'] = 'recrutamento',
['salary_amount'] = 'valor do salário',
['salary_management'] = 'gestão salarial',
['wash_money'] = 'lavar dinheiro',
['wash_money_amount'] = 'quantidade a lavar',
['withdraw_amount'] = 'retirar montante',
['withdraw_society_money'] = 'retirar dinheiro da sociedade',
['yes'] = 'sim',
['you_have'] = 'você tem $%s esperando lavagem de dinheiro (24h).',
['you_have_laundered'] = 'você lavou $%s do seu dinheiro ',
['you_have_hired'] = 'você recrutou %s',
['you_have_been_hired'] = 'você foi contratado por %s',
['you_have_fired'] = 'você demitiu %s',
['you_have_been_fired'] = 'você foi demitido de %s',
['you_have_promoted'] = 'você promoveu %s a %s',
['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'você foi promovido promoted!',

39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions locales/cs.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Locales['cs'] = {
['actions'] = 'akce',
['boss_menu'] = 'akce šéfa',
['money_generic'] = '$%s',
['deposit_amount'] = 'množství vkladu',
['deposit_society_money'] = 'vložit peníze do společnosti',
['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'chceš najmout %s?',
['employee'] = 'zaměstnanec',
['employee_list'] = 'seznam zaměstnanců',
['employee_management'] = 'správa zaměstnanců',
['fire'] = 'vyhodit',
['grade'] = 'povýšit',
['have_deposited'] = 'vložil jsi ~r~$%s',
['have_withdrawn'] = 'vybral jsi $%s',
['invalid_amount'] = 'neplatná částka',
['invalid_amount_max'] = 'tento plat není povolen',
['invalid_value'] = 'invalid value',
['invalid_value_nochanges']= 'invalid value, no changes applied',
['no'] = 'ne',
['promote'] = 'povýšit',
['promote_employee'] = 'povýšit %s',
['recruit'] = 'najmout',
['recruiting'] = 'najímání',
['salary_amount'] = 'váše platu',
['salary_management'] = 'správa platů',
['wash_money'] = 'vyprat peníze',
['wash_money_amount'] = 'množství na vyprání',
['withdraw_amount'] = 'výběr peněz',
['withdraw_society_money'] = 'vybrat peníze společnosti',
['yes'] = 'ano',
['you_have'] = 'máš $%s čekajících na vyprání (24h).',
['you_have_laundered'] = '~r~Vypral jsi tvé peníze: $%s',
['you_have_hired'] = 'najmul jsi %s',
['you_have_been_hired'] = 'byl jsi najmut hráčem %s',
['you_have_fired'] = 'vyhodil jsi %s',
['you_have_been_fired'] = 'byl jsi vyhozen hráčem %s',
['you_have_promoted'] = 'byl jsi povýšen hráčem %s na %s',
['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'byl jsi povýšen!',
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions locales/en.lua
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
Locales['en'] = {
['actions'] = 'actions',
['boss_menu'] = 'boss menu',
['money_generic'] = '$%s',
['deposit_amount'] = 'deposit amount',
['deposit_society_money'] = 'deposit society money',
['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'do you want to recruit %s?',
['employee'] = 'employee',
['employee_list'] = 'employee list',
['employee_management'] = 'employee management',
['fire'] = 'fire',
['grade'] = 'grade',
['have_deposited'] = 'you have deposited ~r~$%s',
['have_withdrawn'] = 'you have withdrawn $%s',
['check_balance'] = 'balance is ~g~$%s',
['invalid_amount'] = 'invalid amount',
['invalid_amount_max'] = 'that salary is not allowed',
['invalid_value'] = 'invalid value',
['invalid_value_nochanges']= 'invalid value, no changes applied',
['no'] = 'no',
['promote'] = 'promote',
['promote_employee'] = 'promote %s',
['recruit'] = 'recruit',
['recruiting'] = 'recruiting',
['salary_amount'] = 'salary amount',
['salary_management'] = 'salary management',
['grade_management'] = 'grade label management',
['grade_label'] = 'grade label',
['check_society_balance'] = 'check society balance',
['wash_money'] = 'wash money',
['wash_money_amount'] = 'amount to wash',
['withdraw_amount'] = 'witdraw amount',
['withdraw_society_money'] = 'withdraw society money',
['yes'] = 'yes',
['you_have'] = 'you have $%s waiting in money laundering (24h).',
['you_have_laundered'] = 'you have ~r~laundered your money: $%s',
['you_have_hired'] = 'you have recruited %s',
['you_have_been_hired'] = 'you have been hired by %s',
['you_have_fired'] = 'you have fired %s',
['you_have_been_fired'] = 'you have been fired from %s',
['you_have_promoted'] = 'you have promoted %s as %s',
['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'you have been promoted!',
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions locales/es.lua
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Locales['es'] = {
['actions'] = 'Acciones',
['boss_menu'] = 'Menú de jefe',
['money_generic'] = '%s$',
['deposit_amount'] = 'Depositar cantidad',
['deposit_society_money'] = 'Depositar dinero en la sociedad',
['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = '¿Quieres contratar a %s?',
['employee'] = 'Empleado',
['employee_list'] = 'Lista de empleados',
['employee_management'] = 'Gestión de empleados',
['fire'] = 'Despedir',
['grade'] = 'Cargo',
['have_deposited'] = 'Has depositado ~r~%s$',
['have_withdrawn'] = 'Has retirado %s$',
['invalid_amount'] = 'Cantidad inválida',
['invalid_amount_max'] = 'Ese salario no está permitido',
['invalid_value'] = 'invalid value',
['invalid_value_nochanges']= 'invalid value, no changes applied',
['no'] = 'No',
['promote'] = 'Ascender',
['promote_employee'] = 'Ascender %s',
['recruit'] = 'Contratar',
['recruiting'] = 'Contratando',
['salary_amount'] = 'Cantidad de salario',
['salary_management'] = 'Gestión de salario',
['wash_money'] = 'Limpiar dinero',
['wash_money_amount'] = 'Cantidad para limpiar',
['withdraw_amount'] = 'Retirar cantidad',
['withdraw_society_money'] = 'Retirar dinero de la sociedad',
['yes'] = 'Si',
['you_have'] = 'tienes $%s esperando en el lavado de dinero (24h).',
['you_have_laundered'] = 'has ~r~lavado tu dinero: $%s',
['you_have_hired'] = 'Has contratado a %s',
['you_have_been_hired'] = 'Has sido contratado por %s',
['you_have_fired'] = 'Has despedido a %s',
['you_have_been_fired'] = 'Has sido despedido de %s',
['you_have_promoted'] = 'Has ascendido a %s a %s',
['you_have_been_promoted'] = '¡Has sido ascendido!',
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions locales/et.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Locales['et'] = {
['actions'] = 'Tegevused',
['boss_menu'] = 'Bossi menüü',
['money_generic'] = '$%s',
['deposit_amount'] = 'Sisesta raha',
['deposit_society_money'] = 'Pane firma arvele raha',
['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'Kas sa soovid palgata %s?',
['employee'] = 'Töötaja',
['employee_list'] = 'Töötajate list',
['employee_management'] = 'Töötajate juhtimine',
['fire'] = 'Vallanda',
['grade'] = 'Auaste',
['have_deposited'] = 'Te sisestasite firma arvele ~r~$%s',
['have_withdrawn'] = 'Võtsid firma arvelt $%s',
['check_balance'] = 'Firma arvel on ~g~$%s',
['invalid_amount'] = 'Tundmatu kogus',
['invalid_amount_max'] = 'See palk pole lubatud!',
['no'] = 'Ei',
['promote'] = 'Ametikõrgendus',
['promote_employee'] = 'Ametikõrgendasid %s',
['recruit'] = 'Palka',
['recruiting'] = 'Palkamine',
['salary_amount'] = 'Palk',
['salary_management'] = 'Palk',
['grade_management'] = 'Auastme määramine',
['grade_label'] = 'Auaste',
['check_society_balance'] = 'Vaata firma arvet',
['wash_money'] = 'Pese musta raha',
['wash_money_amount'] = 'Musta raha kogus',
['withdraw_amount'] = 'Väljavõtmise kogus',
['withdraw_society_money'] = 'Võta firma arvelt raha',
['yes'] = 'Jah',
['you_have'] = 'Sul on $%s rahapesus (24h).',
['you_have_laundered'] = 'Sul on ~r~raha pestud: $%s',
['you_have_hired'] = 'Sa palkasid %s',
['you_have_been_hired'] = 'Sind võeti tööle %s poolt',
['you_have_fired'] = 'Sa lasid lahti isiku: %s',
['you_have_been_fired'] = 'Sind lasti lahti %s',
['you_have_promoted'] = 'Said ametikõrgendust %s %s',
['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'Said ametikõrgendust!',
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions locales/fi.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Locales['fi'] = {
['actions'] = 'toiminnot',
['boss_menu'] = 'boss menu',
['money_generic'] = '€%s',
['deposit_amount'] = 'talletus summa',
['deposit_society_money'] = 'talleta yritykselle rahaa',
['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'do you want to recruit %s?',
['employee'] = 'työntekijä',
['employee_list'] = 'työntekijä lista',
['employee_management'] = 'työntekijöiden hallinta',
['fire'] = 'anna potkut',
['grade'] = 'taso',
['have_deposited'] = 'sinä talletit ~r~€%s',
['have_withdrawn'] = 'sinä nostit €%s',
['invalid_amount'] = 'virheellinen summa',
['invalid_amount_max'] = 'that salary is not allowed',
['invalid_value'] = 'invalid value',
['invalid_value_nochanges']= 'invalid value, no changes applied',
['no'] = 'ei',
['promote'] = 'ylennä',
['promote_employee'] = 'ylennä henkilö %s',
['recruit'] = 'rekrytoi',
['recruiting'] = 'rekrytointi',
['salary_amount'] = 'palkan määrä',
['salary_management'] = 'palkan hallinta',
['wash_money'] = 'pese rahaa',
['wash_money_amount'] = 'pestävä määrä',
['withdraw_amount'] = 'nostettava määrä',
['withdraw_society_money'] = 'nosta yrityksen rahoja',
['yes'] = 'kyllä',
['you_have'] = 'you have €%s waiting in money laundering (24h).',
['you_have_laundered'] = 'olet ~r~pessyt rahojasi: €%s',
['you_have_hired'] = 'sinä palkkasit henkilön %s',
['you_have_been_hired'] = 'sinut on palkattu pelaajan %s toimesta',
['you_have_fired'] = 'sinä annoit potkut pelaajalle %s',
['you_have_been_fired'] = 'sinulle annettiin potkut työstä %s',
['you_have_promoted'] = 'sinä ylensit henkilön %s arvolle %s',
['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'sinut ylennettiin',
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions locales/fr.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Locales['fr'] = {
['actions'] = 'actions',
['boss_menu'] = 'patron',
['money_generic'] = '$%s',
['deposit_amount'] = 'montant du dépôt',
['deposit_society_money'] = 'déposer argent société',
['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'Voulez-vous recruter %s?',
['employee'] = 'employé',
['employee_list'] = 'liste des employés',
['employee_management'] = 'gestion employés',
['fire'] = 'licencier',
['grade'] = 'grade',
['have_deposited'] = 'vous avez déposé ~r~$%s',
['have_withdrawn'] = 'vous avez retiré $%s',
['invalid_amount'] = 'montant invalide',
['invalid_value'] = 'valeur invalide',
['invalid_value_nochanges']= 'valeur invalide, aucun changements appliqués',
['invalid_amount_max'] = 'ce salaire est non réglementaire',
['no'] = 'non',
['promote'] = 'promouvoir',
['promote_employee'] = 'promouvoir %s',
['recruit'] = 'recruter',
['recruiting'] = 'recrutement',
['salary_amount'] = 'montant du salaire',
['salary_management'] = 'gestion salaires',
['wash_money'] = 'blanchir argent',
['wash_money_amount'] = 'montant à blanchir',
['withdraw_amount'] = 'montant du retrait',
['withdraw_society_money'] = 'retirer argent société',
['yes'] = 'oui',
['you_have'] = 'vous avez $%s en attente de ~r~blanchiement (24h).',
['you_have_laundered'] = 'vous avez ~r~blanchi votre argent : $%s',
['you_have_hired'] = 'Vous avez recruté %s',
['you_have_been_hired'] = 'Vous avez été recruté dans la société %s',
['you_have_fired'] = 'Vous avez viré %s',
['you_have_been_fired'] = 'Vous avez été viré de la société %s',
['you_have_promoted'] = 'Vous avez promu %s en tant que %s',
['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'Vous avez été promu',

0 comments on commit f6f8158

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