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feat(es_extended/imports): use ox_lib require
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Kenshiin13 committed Jan 5, 2025
1 parent 13b44b5 commit 29e8232
Showing 1 changed file with 161 additions and 40 deletions.
201 changes: 161 additions & 40 deletions [core]/es_extended/imports.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
_resourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()
ESX.currentResourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()

OnPlayerData = function (key, val, last) end

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,67 +44,188 @@ if not IsDuplicityVersion() then -- Only register this event for the client

if not lib or not lib.require then
local cachedModules = {} ---@type table<string, any>
local loadingModules = {} ---@type table<string, true?>

---@param modulePath string
if GetResourceState("ox_lib") == "missing" then
---@Credits: - Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
local loaded = {}
local _require = require

package = {
path = './?.lua;./?/init.lua',
preload = {},
loaded = setmetatable({}, {
__index = loaded,
__newindex = function() end,
__metatable = false,

---@param modName string
---@return string
---@return string
local function getResourceNameFromModulePath(modulePath)
local externalResourceName = modulePath:match("^@(.-)%.")
if externalResourceName then
return externalResourceName
local function getModuleInfo(modName)
local resource = modName:match('^@(.-)/.+') --[[@as string?]]

if resource then
return resource, modName:sub(#resource + 3)

return _resourceName
local idx = 4 -- call stack depth (kept slightly lower than expected depth "just in case")

while true do
local dbgInfo = debug.getinfo(idx, 'S')
local src = dbgInfo and dbgInfo.source

if not src then
return ESX.currentResourceName, modName

resource = src:match('^@@([^/]+)/.+')

if resource and not src:find('^@@es_extended/imports') then
return resource, modName

idx = idx + 1

---@param modulePath string
---@return string, number
local function getModuleFilePath(modulePath)
if modulePath:sub(1, 1) == "@" then
modulePath = modulePath:sub(modulePath:find("%.") + 1)
local tempData = {}

---@param name string
---@param path string
---@return string? filename
---@return string? errmsg
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: duplicate-set-field
function package.searchpath(name, path)
local resource, modName = getModuleInfo(name:gsub('%.', '/'))
local tried = {}

for template in path:gmatch('[^;]+') do
local fileName = template:gsub('^%./', ''):gsub('?', modName:gsub('%.', '/') or modName)
local file = LoadResourceFile(resource, fileName)

if file then
tempData[1] = file
tempData[2] = resource
return fileName

tried[#tried + 1] = ("no file '@%s/%s'"):format(resource, fileName)

return modulePath:gsub("%.", "/")
return nil, table.concat(tried, "\n\t")

---@param modulePath string
---@return any
function require(modulePath)
assert(type(modulePath) == "string", "Module path must be a string")
---Attempts to load a module at the given path relative to the resource root directory.\
---Returns a function to load the module chunk, or a string containing all tested paths.
---@param modName string
---@param env? table
local function loadModule(modName, env)
local fileName, err = package.searchpath(modName, package.path)

if loadingModules[modulePath] then
error(("Circular dependency detected for module '%s'."):format(modulePath))
if fileName then
local file = tempData[1]
local resource = tempData[2]

return assert(load(file, ('@@%s/%s'):format(resource, fileName), 't', env or _ENV))

if cachedModules[modulePath] then
return cachedModules[modulePath]
return nil, err or 'unknown error'

---@alias PackageSearcher
---| fun(modName: string): function loader
---| fun(modName: string): nil, string errmsg

---@type PackageSearcher[]
package.searchers = {
local ok, result = pcall(_require, modName)

if ok then return result end

return ok, result
if package.preload[modName] ~= nil then
return package.preload[modName]

return nil, ("no field package.preload['%s']"):format(modName)
function(modName) return loadModule(modName) end,

---@param filePath string
---@param env? table
---@return unknown
---Loads and runs a Lua file at the given path. Unlike require, the chunk is not cached for future use.
function ESX.load(filePath, env)
if type(filePath) ~= 'string' then
error(("file path must be a string (received '%s')"):format(filePath), 2)

loadingModules[modulePath] = true
local result, err = loadModule(filePath, env)

if result then return result() end

error(("file '%s' not found\n\t%s"):format(filePath, err))

---@param filePath string
---@return table
---Loads and decodes a json file at the given path.
function ESX.loadJson(filePath)
if type(filePath) ~= 'string' then
error(("file path must be a string (received '%s')"):format(filePath), 2)

local resourceSrc, modPath = getModuleInfo(filePath:gsub('%.', '/'))
local resourceFile = LoadResourceFile(resourceSrc, ('%s.json'):format(modPath))

if resourceFile then
return json.decode(resourceFile)

local resourceName = getResourceNameFromModulePath(modulePath)
local moduleFilePath = getModuleFilePath(modulePath)
local moduleFileContent = LoadResourceFile(resourceName, moduleFilePath .. ".lua")
error(("json file '%s' not found\n\tno file '@%s/%s.json'"):format(filePath, resourceSrc, modPath))

if not moduleFileContent then
loadingModules[modulePath] = nil
error(("Module '%s' not found in resource '%s'."):format(moduleFilePath, resourceName))
---Loads the given module, returns any value returned by the seacher (`true` when `nil`).\
---Passing `@resourceName.modName` loads a module from a remote resource.
---@param modName string
---@return unknown
function ESX.require(modName)
if type(modName) ~= 'string' then
error(("module name must be a string (received '%s')"):format(modName), 3)

local chunk, err = load(moduleFileContent, ("@%s/%s"):format(resourceName, moduleFilePath), "t")
local module = loaded[modName]

if not chunk then
loadingModules[modulePath] = nil
error(("Failed to load module '%s': %s"):format(moduleFilePath, err))
if module == '__loading' then
error(("^1circular-dependency occurred when loading module '%s'^0"):format(modName), 2)

local result = chunk()
if module ~= nil then return module end

loaded[modName] = '__loading'

cachedModules[modulePath] = result ~= nil and result or true
loadingModules[modulePath] = nil
local err = {}

return result
for i = 1, #package.searchers do
local result, errMsg = package.searchers[i](modName)
if result then
if type(result) == 'function' then result = result() end
loaded[modName] = result or result == nil

return loaded[modName]

err[#err + 1] = errMsg

error(("%s"):format(table.concat(err, "\n\t")))

require = ESX.require

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