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bugs found by esfuzz

michaelficarra edited this page Dec 9, 2014 · 15 revisions
Date Project Issue Title
2013-08-24 escodegen #123 verbatim, MemberExpression, and numeric Literals don't play well together
2013-08-24 acorn #53 member access to in member and division
2013-08-26 esprima #449 VariableDeclarationNoIn in ForInStatement doesn't allow assignment in initialiser
2013-08-27 acorn #54 prefix increment/decrement of dynamic/static member access of regexp
2013-08-27 acorn #55 BlockStatement followed by RegExp starting with =
2013-09-01 UglifyJS2 #284 parse error for prefix increment/decrement of dynamic/static member access of regexp
2013-09-02 UglifyJS2 #286 parse error: compound assignment using division to case member of LHS
2013-09-02 escodegen #125 invalid code generated for for(var a=/a/ in[]); when using minimal formatting
2013-09-02 esprima #450 continue label incorrectly allowed to be a non-IterationStatement label
2013-09-02 UglifyJS2 #287 continue label incorrectly allowed to be a non-IterationStatement label
2013-09-13 esprima #452 Ogham Space Mark (\u1680) not allowed as whitespace character
2014-06-16 esprima #560 LeftHandSideExpression in ForInStatement not parsing when it contains an in operator
2014-12-08 eslint #1568 multiple crash-inducing inputs found
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