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Update 2

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@EspoTek EspoTek released this 30 Dec 07:34
· 453 commits to master since this release

Labrador Christmas Update!
Download the version for your platform, install and enjoy the updates.

It's highly probable that the Raspberry Pi version will run on other ARM-based Linux microcomputers such as Orange Pi or CHIP. If you try it out, please let me know how it goes and we can get a compatibility list going.

Windows 32-bit users
If you're getting an error related to msvcp140.dll, please see issue #24

Please make sure you install using the script.
If you don't, you'll need to reset your computer before the board will connect.

To do so, extract the .tar.gz, then open a terminal in the directory you extracted to and run the following commands:
chmod +x ./labradeb-install
sudo ./labradeb-install

The "Compatibility_Mint17" version is built on Linux Mint 17 and meant for older distributions. If you use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or later, just use the normal x86 or x64 file.

Special Thanks
Thanks to grocid for the Mac Icon.
Thanks to Steve Hills for help building the Linux x86 Compatibility_Min17 mode binary.