Author: Kim Lương
- 1 x NodeMCU 8266
- 1 x BMP388
I2C used to read in data.
BMP288 | NodeMCU |
Vin | 3.3V |
SCK | D1 |
SDI | D2 |
- Download or clone the github repo to your computer.
- Follow these instructions setup your NodeMCU.
- In the Arduino IDE, install the following libraries:
- Flash the code in this repo onto the NodeMCU. You can do this by opening up ese_lab7_adafruit.ino in the ese218_lab7_adafruit folder.
- Create an account at io.adafruit.
- Click My Key
- Going back to the Arduino IDE, modify config.h so it has the appropriate username and key.
- Back to the website, click on Dashboard > Welcome Dashboard (or a new one that you made). Under the gear icon on the right hand side, select Create New Block > Line Chart.
- Create a new feed called "pressure" (all lowercase). Select it and click "Next step >"
- Create another Gauge block for the pressure feed.
- Repeat steps 8-10 for a feed called "altitude".
- Your final dashboard should look similar to the following:
- In order to export data as a csv, follow these instructions.