NativeScript-Sim-Info is a plugin for NativeScript which allows access to the sim card information.
Go to your app's root folder and execute:
tns plugin add nativescript-sim-info
import { SimInfo } from "nativescript-sim-info";
load(): void {
const simInfo = new SimInfo();
.then((simData) => {
}).catch((error) => {
"isoCountryCode": "at",
"simOperator": "23XXX",
"carrierName": "A1",
"callState": null,
"dataActivity": null,
"phoneType": 1,
"simState": 5,
"isNetworkRoaming": true,
"mcc": 232,
"mnc": 1,
"phoneNumber": "",
"deviceSoftwareVersion": "01",
"simSerialNumber": "894301561923869XXXX",
"subscriberId": "23201163022XXXX",
"isDefaultSim": true,
"networkType": 13,
"deviceImei": "35404611160XXXX",
"deviceMeid": "",
"subscriptionId": 1
"isoCountryCode": "at",
"simOperator": "23XXX",
"carrierName": "spusu",
"callState": null,
"dataActivity": 4,
"phoneType": 1,
"simState": 5,
"isNetworkRoaming": true,
"mcc": 232,
"mnc": 17,
"phoneNumber": "+4366XXXXXXXX",
"deviceSoftwareVersion": "00",
"simSerialNumber": "894317008000176XXXX",
"subscriberId": "23217004025XXXX",
"isDefaultSim": true,
"networkType": 13,
"deviceImei": "86760103133XXXX",
"deviceMeid": "9900111506XXXX",
"subscriptionId": 1
"isoCountryCode": "at",
"carrierName": "A1",
"isNetworkRoaming": true,
"phoneNumber": "+4366XXXXXXX",
"mcc": 232,
"mnc": 1,
"subscriptionId": 4,
"simSerialNumber": "894301561520280XXXX",
"isDefaultSim": false
Possible errors
The plugin will request more or less permission items depending on the Android version. If any of the permissions are rejected by the user, an object will be returned as a rejected promise.
"android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE": false,
"android.permission.READ_SMS": false,
"android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS": false,
"mnc": "232",
"isoCountryCode": "at",
"carrierName": "A1",
"allowsVOIP": true,
"mcc": "1"
Property | Platform | Android Version | iOS Version | Type | Description |
isoCountryCode | common | 1 | 1 | string | Returns the ISO-3166 country code equivalent for the SIM provider's country code. |
carrierName | common | 1 | 1 | string | Returns the MCC+MNC (mobile country code + mobile network code) of the provider of the SIM. 5 or 6 decimal digits. |
mcc | common | 1 | 1 | string - number - null | Returns the mobile country code (MCC). |
mnc | common | 1 | 1 | string - number - null | Returns the mobile network code (MNC). |
simOperator | android | 1 | - | string | Returns the Service Provider Name (SPN). |
callState | android | 1 | - | number - null | Returns the state of all calls on the device. |
dataActivity | android | 1 | - | number - null | Returns a constant indicating the type of activity on a data connection (cellular). |
phoneType | android | 1 | - | number - null | Returns a constant indicating the device phone type. |
simState | android | 1 | - | number - null | Returns a constant indicating the state of the default SIM card. |
isNetworkRoaming | android | 1 | - | boolean - null | Returns true if the device is considered roaming on the current network, for GSM purposes. |
phoneNumber | android | 1 | - | string | Returns the phone number string for line 1, for example, the MSISDN for a GSM phone. Returns null if it is unavailable. |
deviceSoftwareVersion | android | 1 | - | string | Returns the software version number for the device, for example, the IMEI/SV for GSM phones. |
simSerialNumber | android | 1 | - | string | Returns the serial number of the SIM, if applicable. |
subscriberId | android | 1 | - | string | Returns the unique subscriber ID, for example, the IMSI for a GSM phone. |
subscriptionId | android | 5.1 (Api: 22) | - | number - null | Returns the subscription. |
simSerialNumber | android | 5.1 (Api: 22) | - | string | Returns SIM unique serial number (ICCID). |
networkType | android | 7 (Api: 24) | - | number - null | Returns a constant indicating the radio technology (network type) currently in use on the device for data transmission. |
deviceImei | android | 8 (Api: 26) | - | string | returns IMEI for GSM. |
isDefaultSim | android | - | - | boolean - null | Returns true if the sim is considered the default. |
allowsVOIP | ios | - | 1 | boolean - null | Indicates if the carrier allows making VoIP calls on its network. |
From Api Level 22, A.K.A LOLLIPOP_MR1 or Android 5.1, there is support for dual sim. I would like to point out that there is a difference in number of information attributes between what Android considers the default subscription (TelephonyManager) and the subscriptions (SubscriptionManager).
From iOS 12 on, Apple supports dual sim. The available information attributes are the same for the default and secondary sim. At the moment, I could not test how is the support for e-sim cards. I would appreciate if anyone is able to test it and let me know
Apple does not allow the access to the phone number under any circumstance. More information on this topic can be found under the point 2.5.2 of the guidelines.
This plugin is based on the Nativescript-Telephony and uses the following dependencies: