85 commits
to d12c1756512e6110de723fd313e24c472c0d4181
since this release
- d12c175 adds math3d module
- d0abd15 updates pkg index to include rellax module.
- ae4184f Added a how to install plug-ins in AGS
- f41b71b Added more explanation on how AgsGet works
- 8e40b30 Adds video/gif to readme
- ed7c71c Adds Adventure Game Studio forum post
- 586c5a2 Create AGSGET_README.bbcode
- 07d3ab5 unroll if a package can't be succesfully installed
- a50f9a4 do not import a script module if it doesn't exists!
- 39a7729 add check to prevent crash on empty selection and get package
See More
- 1b83c50 reminder to unblock the plugin on Windows 10
- 99732cd prevents file access error when import script modules
- c8a264f working install and uninstall buttons
- 290b45c agsget panel nicer on load
- 207a3b7 add package will get packages not in cache too.
- 2110441 adds display based gui
- ffe9576 removes unused code and general improvements to visualization.
- d1159d6 add and remove package working with dependency resolution.
- b19f73f package locker that can turn intent to ordered list of packages.
- ee3317f more checks on PackageLocker
- c483912 added more content to package locker
- ab8f0a5 just the starting point of the lock phase
- d024d6a reminds future me we will want versions on the manifest one day.
- c0dc372 adds a way to store what we intend to install
- 8553e5e we only move files if they exist!
- 35b1ac2 we are downloading blank files when download fails. We also want to
- ab80c48 general improvements
- aabacf4 adds await to GetDo action
- b42b665 fix #12 , we catch web exception now.
- 9a352f3 adds countdown module
- cf9e936 adds textfield module
- 0652585 adds slist module
- 3ee28ef adds queuedspeech module
- 0dc9439 adds description module
- 4003cd5 adds multiresponse module
- 2241fb5 adds magnifier and removes wrong hotspots
- a8f90b2 adds floatinghotspot module
- 14f77ff adds drawantialiased
- bd6d81a adds custom dialog gui module
- 87cb9ae adds credits module
- 1dbf5e4 adds chatdisplay
- a237c46 adds caterpillar module
- bd26d5b reports the file after download is successful
- b2be41f fix the Release folder to copy the resulting .dll from
- 93f8873 adds conditional on the solution so it's valid on C: or D: as main
- 896dfd9 we have no nuget dependencies but build fails without a restore for some reason.
- e8caaaf fixes on hint path for solution
- 9b251df removes unused nugets from project
- f9e9b1a adds Editor Plugin build to azure-pipelines on Windows
- 97d5f42 package search is working!
- 9a70998 make all AgsGetCore actions into Async tasks.
- 2a6157c first working panel version of agsget Editor plugin.
- fdbe5f2 made the panel more similar to desired design
- aaa1d8d initial version of the plugin based on the Sample Plugin
- 85b6bbd Adds note on why we need AGS installed to build this project
- 8a9805f initial files for AgsGet Editor Plugin
- 8dc5bdc Adds links to AgsGet stuff on top of README
- b534c3c Adds file and directory description
- bfd9d0e adds keywords to packages
- 6ec511a Adds link to agsget
- ddf8986 Adds clarification to the readme on how it works
- 18446a5 adds controlz package
- 7e1f222 adds scrolling dialog module
- 3081adf updates package list in js component
- 1d6c452 updates serializedSearcheableIndex
- 9d94227 changes so we can search typed text modules
- a5b50d4 more functions to list packages
- a1daa11 adds more missing packages and refreshes index of packages.
- 513b98a a bit convoluted but got a core and a console interface.
- 155e394 added typedtext module
- cd26a0b file reorganization to reflect program intent.
- bf3bd15 Do classes now separated from Command Line abstraction.
- 7863bfb isolated functionality so we can in the future separate this into Core, Command Line Interface, and Editor Plugin
- 88fa28b adds shadow and shash modules
- 428864a adds stack module
- fbad28a adds inifile2 module
- 5811325 adds dragdrop module
- 79e5a3f Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ericoporto/agsModuleList
- 6a03c89 adds timer package
- 99c0d79 switches releases for Release
- b3173f3 it's more probable people try to build this on windws
- 6a32e91 enhance readability
- 8f2ed3c lets collect builds using bash
- 8684a98 fixes to point to the correct folder
- 9a508bc fix typo on repo name
This list of changes was auto generated.