Repository with instructions and scripts to initialize a HA Kubernetes cluster
The steps presented below will lead to a kubernetes cluster installation with controller HA behind a Load Balancer
All instructions are supposed to be run over Ubuntu 16.04
The expected results of this instructions are:
- a kubernetes cluster running on High Availability
- Kube Version 1.9.3
Run the docker installer script on all nodes:
On all nodes, create the following environment variables and folders:
export NODE_NAME=
export NODE_IP=
export LB_IP=
export CA_DIR=/srv/kubernetes/pki
sudo mkdir -p /srv/kubernetes/manifests
sudo mkdir -p ${CA_DIR}/etcd
Run the commands to generate the CA and API certificates on one of the master nodes
After generating the certificates, copy API, CA, Client and SA Certificates to all cluster nodes:
Copy the files from the master node
sudo scp -r ${CA_DIR} NODE_IP:${CA_DIR}
On every node it is necessary to generate the node access key by running the following command and substituting the node ip with the proper value:
On an initial node, run the following script:
Copy the files 'ca.pem', 'ca-key.pem', 'client.pem', 'client-key.pem' and 'ca-config.json' that were generated to the ${CA_DIR}/etcd of all other nodes that will run etcd.
After copying the files, run the following script on each of the nodes:
Run the kubernetes services install script on every node
Swap has to be disabled on all the nodes
Copy the configuration file to the kubelet service configuration directory
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/
sudo cp config_files/10-kubelet.conf /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Run the following commands on every node
Now it is necessary to add the kubernetes controller service manifests to every node available
First, create the following folders on every master node of the cluster:
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/etcd
sudo mkdir -p /etc/pki
sudo mkdir -p /etc/ssl/certs
Now setup the environment variables equally on all nodes and run the following script to setup the manifests for every service
export NODE1_NAME=
export NODE1_IP=
export NODE2_NAME=
export NODE2_IP=
export NODE3_NAME=
export NODE3_IP=
Restart the kubelet process
sudo systemctl enable kubelet
sudo systemctl restart kubelet
To access the cluster using the kubectl cluster, execute the following commands:
mkdir -p ~/.kube
sudo cp /srv/kubernetes/admin.conf ~/.kube/config
Then run any kubernetes command using the kubectl cli client to verify that it is working
For each of the nodes, run:
kubectl patch node ${NODE_NAME} -p '{"metadata": {"labels": {"": ""}}}'
kubectl create -n kube-system configmap kubeadm-config --from-file=MasterConfiguration=/srv/kubernetes/admin.conf
With the cluster up and running it is necessary to start the kube-proxy service to allow the usage of ClusterIP services
To do so, edit the manifest, setting the correct load balancer IP and execute the following command:
kubectl apply -f ./addons/kube-proxy.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./addons/kube-dns.yaml
kubectl apply -f "$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
- api server liveness probe failing
- etcd liveness probe