Prototype for SAT-based dependency handling. This is a work in progress, do not expect any API not to change at this point.
To install the python package, simple do as follows:
git clone --recursive cd sat-solver pip install -e .
To try things out from the CLI, you need to write a scenario file (yaml format), see simplesat/tests/simple_numpy.yaml for a simple example.
To print the rules:
python scripts/ simplesat/tests/simple_numpy.yaml
To print the operations:
python scripts/ simplesat/tests/simple_numpy.yaml
First, clone composer's somewhere on your machine:
git clone
Then, use the scripts/ script to write a php file that will print the composer's solution for a given scenario:
python scripts/ \ --composer-root <path to composer github checkout> \ simplesat/tests/simple_numpy.yaml \ scripts/
This will create a scripts/print_operations.php script you can simply execute w/ php:
php scripts/print_operations.php
- Niklas Eén, Niklas Sörensson: An Extensible SAT-solver. SAT 2003
- Lintao Zhang, Conor F. Madigan, Matthew H. Moskewicz, Sharad Malik: Efficient Conflict Driven Learning in a Boolean Satisfiability Solver. Proc. ICCAD 2001, pp. 279-285.
- Donald Knuth: The art of computer programming. Vol. 4, Pre-fascicle 6A, Par. (Satisfiability).
On the use of SAT solvers for managing packages:
- Fosdem 2008 presentation: Using SAT for solving package dependencies. More details on the SUSE wiki.
- The 0install project.
- Chris Tucker, David Shuffelton, Ranjit Jhala, Sorin Lerner: OPIUM: Optimal Package Install/Uninstall Manager. Proc. ICSE 2007, pp. 178-188