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多变量泊松模式分析仨变量泊松三码彩票数据,有关详情请查阅Dimitris Karlis and Loukia Meligkotsidou (2005)^[7.3 参考文献中的4th文献]和Dimitris Karlis (2002)^[7.3 参考文献中的3rd文献]。
$$(X_{1},X_{2},X_{3}){i} ~ 3 - Pois(\theta{1i},\theta_{2i},\theta_{3i},\theta_{12i},\theta_{13i},\theta_{23i}) \dots equation\ 3.1$$
$log(\theta_{1i}) = \alpha_{1} + \beta_{1}z_{i}$ $log(\theta_{2i}) = \alpha_{2} + \beta_{2}z_{i}$ $log(\theta_{3i}) = \alpha_{3} + \beta_{3}z_{i}$ $log(\theta_{12i}) = \alpha_{4} + \beta_{4}z_{i}$ $log(\theta_{13i}) = \alpha_{5} + \beta_{5}z_{i}$ $log(\theta_{23i}) = \alpha_{6} + \beta_{6}z_{i}$
- Can a Multivariate Poisson Distribution be implemented in Stan?
- n-mixture model in Stan? marginalizing
- karlis-ntzoufras-reproduction/model.stan
- Reproductions of models for football (soccer) matches in Stan/PyStan^[So far, the following models have been implemented:] ^[1) Maher (1982) - Modelling Association Football Scores - maher] ^[2) Dixon and Coles (1997) - Modelling Association Football Scores and Inefficiencies in the Football Betting Market - dixon-coles] ^[3)Karlis and Ntzoufras (2008) - Bayesian modelling of football outcomes (using the Skellam's distribution) - karlis-ntzoufras]
- Application of Kelly Criterion model in Sportsbook Investment
- Job Application - Quantitative Analyst (binary.com)
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- Bayesian Multivariate Poisson Regression for Models of Injury Count, by Severity by Jianming Ma and Kara M. Kockelman (2006)
- FlexMix - An R package for finite mixture modelling by Bettina Grun and Friedrich Leisch (2007)
- Multivariate Poisson Models by Dimitris Karlis (2002)
- Multivariate Poisson Regression with Covariance Structure (Preview) by Dimitris Karlis and Loukia Meligkotsidou (2005)
- Package 'poilog' by Vidar Grøtan and Steinar Engen (2015)
- Resampling Methods for Longitudinal Data Analysis by Yue Li (2005)