This is the Erlang client for Tablestore based on the protobuf APIs.
Currently it only supports the Timeseries storage model.
$ rebar3 compile
{ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(ots_erl),
Opts = [
{instance, <<"my_instance">>},
{pool, <<"my_pool_name">>},
{endpoint, <<"">>},
{pool_size, 2},
{access_key, <<"my_access_key_id">>},
{access_secret, <<"my_access_key_secret">>}
{ok, C} = ots_ts_client:start(Opts),
Row = #{
time => 1734517355998560,
tags => #{
<<"tagKey1">> => <<"tagValue1">>,
<<"tagKey2">> => <<"tagValue2">>
fields => [
{<<"bool_field">>, true, #{}},
{<<"int_field">>, 10, #{isint => true}},
{<<"double_field1">>, 10, #{}},
{<<"double_field2">>, 1.3, #{}},
{<<"str_field">>, <<"hello">>, #{}},
{<<"bin_field">>, <<"hello">>, #{isbinary => true}}
measurement => <<"measurement">>,
data_source => <<"data_source">>
{ok, _Res} = ots_ts_client:put(C, #{
table_name => <<"table_name">>,
rows_data => [],
meta_update_mode => 'MUM_NORMAL'
- ListTable
- CreateTable
- DeleteTable
- DescribeTable
- UpdateTable
- GetData
- PutData
- QueryMeta
- UpdateMeta
- DeleteMeta