Ever wanted to use Octoprint in a K8s pod and connect to a 3D printer remotely over the network? Then this might be for you.
Just do a 'docker build' and specify your image in octoprint.yaml.
Octoprint image with socat and some YAML files for K8s deployment
I am using MetalLB so your service.yaml file might look a little different. Also the persistent volume claim depends on your environment.
The environment variables needed for socat are set in the deployment octoprint.yaml.
- SOCAT_PRINTER_TYPE specifies the type of the socat connection. (mostly tcp)
- SOCAT_PRINTER_HOST specifies the hostname on which the printer is actually connected.
- SOCAT_PRINTER_PORT sets the port used in socat on the printer host's side.
- SOCAT_PRINTER_LINK names the device in the octoprint container (what you would choose under "connection").
On the printer host's side (where your printer is actually connected to) you will also need socat running. You will need something like
/usr/bin/socat TCP4-LISTEN:4000,fork,reuseaddr /dev/ttyACM0,raw,echo=0,b115200
You could also wrap this in a systemd service unit like
ExecStart=/usr/bin/socat TCP4-LISTEN:4000,fork,reuseaddr /dev/ttyACM0,raw,echo=0,b115200