If you:
- want to start with vim
- have no time to learn how to configure it for you
- have no time to find plugins for you
This is example startup vim configuration using vundle plugin manager and example .vimrc file. This .vimrc is compilation other config files i have seen and my needs and preferences cut down to minimal but working version.
To full work you need installed:
- vim or vim-gtk
- exuberant-ctags
- for good python syntax checking install 'sudo easy_install flake8'
# initial dirs
mkdir -p ~/.vim/backup
mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle
# plugin manager
git clone git://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim ~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim
# get .vimrc
wget https://raw.github.com/elmosanches/vim-startup/master/.vimrc -O ~/.vimrc
# vim fonts
mkdir -p ~/.fonts
wget https://github.com/elmosanches/vim-startup/raw/master/fonts/Anonymous%20Pro.ttf -O ~/.fonts/Anonymous\ Pro.ttf
wget https://github.com/elmosanches/vim-startup/raw/master/fonts/Inconsolata.otf -O ~/.fonts/Inconsolata.otf
# run vim
- F3 - strip trailing white spaces
- F4 - tagbar toggle
- Shift+F4 - unite outline
- F5 - paste mode toggle
- F6 - check complexity
- F12 - errors window toggle
- Shift+F12 - fix pep8 errors
- Shift+F6 - guifonts Anonymous Pro 12
- Shift+F7 - guifonts Inconsolata 12
- Shift+F8 - guifonts monospace 12
- ctrl+s - run vim shell as pop
- ctrl+p - search files
- p - search files - nosplit
- / - search in files
- s - switch buffer
- y - yank history
- l - last edited files
git (fugitive):
- ,gs - git status
- ,gc - git commit
- ,gd - git diff
- ,gb - git blame
+J - switch && maximize window
+K - switch && maximize window
+n - hlsearch toggle
,l - set list toggle
- ,re - edit ~/.vimrc
- ,rt - open ~/.vimrc in tab
- ,rc - reload ~/.vimrc
- ,rh - edit ~/.vimrc at mapping help
- ,c - close current buffer
- ,bc - close current buffer without closing the window
- ,wc - write & close current buffer
- ,d - go previous buffer && close current
- ,D - close all buffers
- ,, - switch between last two buffers
python-mode plugins bindings:
- K - Show python docs (g:pymode_doc enabled)
- - Rope autocomplete (g:pymode_rope enabled)
- g - Rope goto definition (g:pymode_rope enabled)
- d - Rope show documentation (g:pymode_rope enabled)
- f - Rope find occurrences (g:pymode_rope enabled)
- r - Run python (g:pymode_run enabled)
- b - Set, unset breakpoint (g:pymode_breakpoint enabled)
- [[ - Jump on previous class or function (normal, visual, operator modes)
- ]] - Jump on next class or function (normal, visual, operator modes)
- [M - Jump on previous class or method (normal, visual, operator modes)
- ]M - Jump on next class or method (normal, visual, operator modes)
- aC C - Select a class. Ex: vaC, daC, dC, yaC, yC, caC, cC (normal, operator modes)
- iC - Select inner class. Ex: viC, diC, yiC, ciC (normal, operator modes)
- aM M - Select a function or method. Ex: vaM, daM, dM, yaM, yM, caM, cM (normal, operator modes)
- iM - Select inner function or method. Ex: viM, diM, yiM, ciM (normal, operator modes)