If you use photos from unsplash.com - Photos from everyone in your jekyll site, you should include a credit link.
Even though credit isn't required, Unsplash photographers appreciate a credit as it provides exposure to their work and encourages them to continue sharing. A credit can be as simple as adding their name with a link to their profile or photo.
- Copy the small usplash_credits.html file in your ```jekyll/_inlcude`` folder.
- Inlude
{% include usplash_credits.html %}
in yourjekyll/_layouts/post.html
- In your posts include the 2 variables:
- imagecredit_id: '@usplash_id'
- imagecredit_name: 'usplash user name'
You want to inlcude the following image (Laura Onkel https://unsplash.com/@viazavier in your blog.
<hr />
{% include usplash_credits.html %}
imagecredit_id: '@viazavier'
imagecredit_name: 'Laura Ockel'
layout: post
title: Example post
description: This is an example post.
featured: false
author: elmolm
image: '/images/posts/flower_laura_ockel_viazavier.jpg'
imagecredit_id: '@viazavier'
imagecredit_name: 'Laura Ockel'
opengraph_type: article
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