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Merge branch 'master' into dependabot/submodules/_images/icons-cf3540b
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lewisgoddard authored Dec 14, 2024
2 parents f47aba2 + 5c32679 commit 5ae1204
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Showing 13 changed files with 174 additions and 158 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions _lang/es/get-involved.json
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"Be a Part of Something Bigger": "Forme parte de algo más grande",
"Everything that we make is 100% open source and developed collaboratively by people from all over the world. Even if you're not a programmer, you can get involved and make a difference.": "Todo lo que creamos es código abierto al 100% y desarrollado en colaboración con personas de todo el mundo. Aunque no sea programador, puede involucrarse y marcar la diferencia.",
"Be a Part of Something Bigger": "Sea parte de algo más grande",
"Everything that we make is 100% open source and developed collaboratively by people from all over the world. Even if you're not a programmer, you can get involved and make a difference.": "Todo lo que creamos es código abierto en un 100% y desarrollado en colaboración con personas de todo el mundo. Aunque no sea programador, puede involucrarse y hacer la diferencia.",
"Funding": "Apoyo económico",
"Translations": "Traducciones",
"Support": "Soporte",
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"View Stylesheet": "Ver hoja de estilos",
"elementary OS comes with a set of vector icons that are used across all default apps and are made available to third-party apps.": "elementary OS viene con un conjunto de iconos vectoriales que se utilizan en todas las aplicaciones predeterminadas y están disponibles para aplicaciones de terceros.",
"Browse Icons": "Explorar iconos",
"Get Involved with elementary OS": "Forme parte de elementary OS"
"Get Involved with elementary OS": "Forma parte de elementary OS"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion _lang/es/index.json
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Expand Up @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
"Security Notices": "Avisos de seguridad",
"Built for Developers": "Hecho para los desarrolladores",
"Whether your app could benefit from a new system feature or API or you’re curious as to how an existing feature or design pattern was built, you have complete access to our source code. Copy it, learn from it, remix it, modify it, and redistribute it.": "Tanto si su aplicación puede beneficiarse de una función o API nueva del sistema, como si tiene curiosidad por saber cómo se ha creado una prestación o una pauta de diseño existentes, usted tiene acceso completo a nuestro código fuente. Cópielo, aprenda de él, modifíquelo y redistribúyalo.",
"Get Involved": "Participar",
"Get Involved": "Participa",
"elementary OS Keyboard Shortcuts": "Atajos de teclado de elementary OS",
"User Friendly. And Keyboard Friendly.": "Fáciles de usar. Ideales para un uso eficiente del teclado.",
"elementary OS is designed to be easy to understand and pick up as a new user. But that doesn’t mean it’s dumbed down; powerful, customizable keyboard shortcuts ensure you’ll stay productive whether it’s your first day or your thousandth.": "elementary OS está diseñado para que sea fácil de entender y de usar para el nuevo usuario. Esto no quiere decir que sea limitado; los potentes y personalizables atajos de teclado garantizan mantenerse productivo, ya sea el primer o el enésimo día que usa elementary.",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion _lang/es/layout.json
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"A fast and open replacement for Windows and macOS ⋅ elementary OS": "Una alternativa a Windows y a macOS rápida, libre y respetuosa con la privacidad ⋅ elementary OS",
"Support": "Soporte",
"Developer": "Desarrollar",
"Get Involved": "Participar",
"Get Involved": "Participa",
"Store": "Tienda",
"This is a development site.": "Esta página se encuentra en desarrollo.",
"You are viewing a development version of our site. Some pages here may not work or act as you expect. If you got here by accident please go to <a href=\"\"></a>, our actual website address.": "Está navegando por una versión en desarrollo de nuestra web. Puede que algunas páginas no funcionen adecuadamente. Si ha llegado aquí por accidente, diríjase a <a href=\"\"></a>, nuestro sitio web oficial.",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion _lang/es/open-source.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"Everything We Do is Open&nbsp;Source": "Todo lo que hacemos es de código abierto",
"The elementary OS platform is itself entirely open source, and it’s built upon a strong foundation of Free &amp; Open Source software. Plus, we actively collaborate within the ecosystem to improve it for everyone.": "La plataforma de elementary OS es completamente de código abierto y se basa en la solidez del <em>software</em> libre y de código abierto. Además, colaboramos de manera activa con el ecosistema para mejorarlo para todos.",
"Get Involved": "Participar",
"Get Involved": "Participa",
"Applications": "Aplicaciones",
"elementary OS Apps": "Aplicaciones de elementary OS",
"AppCenter": "Centro de Aplicaciones",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion _lang/ja/get-involved.json
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"Design": "デザイン",
"With the help of our users and fans, we've been able to grow from a small group of passionate volunteers into a tiny but sustainable company. Every little bit of support helps us improve elementary OS and tackle even more ambitious problems.": "ユーザーとファンのみなさまのおかげで、私たちは小さくて情熱的なボランティアグループから小さな会社へと成長できました。ひとつひとつは小さな支援でも、elementary OS の改善といっそう大きな問題への挑戦の手助けになります。",
"Directly fund elementary and get a badge on your GitHub profile to show your support. GitHub Sponsors doesn't charge any fees, so it's a great way to make your contribution go farther.": "elementary に直接資金を提供して、GitHub のプロフィールに支援を示すバッジをゲットしましょう。GitHub Sponsors は手数料を必要としないため、貢献をより一層深めるのに最適です。",
"Sponsor on GitHub": "GitHub で資金提供",
"Sponsor on GitHub": "GitHub でスポンサーになる",
"Patreon": "Patreon",
"Patreon works like an ongoing crowdfunding campaign. Choose an amount to contribute each month to help us reach our goals. Plus, earn exclusive rewards and read exclusive content early.": "Patreon は、継続的なクラウドファンディングキャンペーンのようなサービスです。毎月貢献する金額を選び、私たちの目標達成の手助けをしてください。そして、限定グッズを入手し、限定コンテンツをいち早く読みましょう。",
"Back on Patreon": "Patreon で支援",
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions _lang/zh_Hant/code-of-conduct.json
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Expand Up @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
"III. Rumors and Speculation": "3. 謠言與臆測",
"While the fast-paced and exciting nature of elementary contributes to the want to spread rumors or speculation, avoid it. Discussing future plans is alright, but anytime it’s not a verified fact, disclose it as personal speculation or do not discuss it. Spreading inaccurate information can be detrimental to the community, especially if spread in a negative light.": "雖然 elementary 快速開發與令人興奮的發展會讓人想要分享謠言與猜測,請避免這樣做。討論未來的規劃沒問題,但當一件事情不是被確認的事實的時候,請將它視為您個人的猜測,或是不要討論它。散佈不準確的資訊可能會嚴重損害社群,尤其當散佈時的觀點是負面的。",
"IV. Helpful Discussion": "4. 有幫助的討論",
"elementary is powered by individuals coming together in their free time to create something special. It’s important to respect that fact and to always try to contribute to healthy, helpful discussion. If in a meeting, keep on-topic and stay quiet unless you have something helpful that pertains to the immediate discussion. If commenting on the website, keep the discussion related to the content of the Journal entry or Answer topic. If participating in a developer-oriented discussion such as an issue tracker, pull request, mailing list, IRC, or Slack, do not create unnecessary noise by discussing non-development topics; this only derails the discussion and muddies up the logs for developers who may not be present.": "",
"elementary is powered by individuals coming together in their free time to create something special. It’s important to respect that fact and to always try to contribute to healthy, helpful discussion. If in a meeting, keep on-topic and stay quiet unless you have something helpful that pertains to the immediate discussion. If commenting on the website, keep the discussion related to the content of the Journal entry or Answer topic. If participating in a developer-oriented discussion such as an issue tracker, pull request, mailing list, IRC, or Slack, do not create unnecessary noise by discussing non-development topics; this only derails the discussion and muddies up the logs for developers who may not be present.": "elementary 由許多個人利用自己的自由時間一同努力所構成。尊重這件事實並嘗試為健康而有幫助等討論貢獻是很重要等。在會議中,請維持在主題上不離題,除了為當下討論提供有用的資訊以外應該維持安靜。在網站上留下留言時,請維持討論是與日誌文章或答案主題有關的。參與開發者用的討論區(像是議題追蹤平台、Pull Request、郵件論壇、IRC 或 Slack)的時候,請不要討論與開發無關等主題使討論失焦,這只會使討論偏離主題,且會讓其他可能當下不在場的開發者之後更難回顧討論紀錄。",
"As a primarily online-based community, it’s important we avoid the potentially negative aspects of the Internet. Do not troll; starting fights or making remarks with the sole purpose of making someone mad is childish and unacceptable. Spam is also unacceptable; this includes posting links to irrelevant sites and repeatedly posting links to the same site. If someone is trolling or spamming, ignore and flag the user.": "作為一個主要在線上活動的社群,我們需要避免網際網路潛在負面的一環。不要搗亂、不要故意激怒他人;目的只是為了讓他人生氣的吵架或評論是幼稚且不可接受的。垃圾信與垃圾訊息也是不可接受的;這包含張貼不相關的網站的連結,或是不斷的張貼同一個網站的連結。如果有人在搗亂或發垃圾訊息,請標記後忽略該使用者。",
"V. Avoiding Conflict": "5. 避免衝突",
"If you feel someone—be it a new or longtime contributor—is coming off as rude, kindly let the person know. Getting out in front of issues before they compound is critical. Everyone has a role to play in helping communication flow smoothly in our (sometimes challengingly) unique work environment.": "如果您認為有人——不管是新的還是長年的貢獻者——感覺失禮,請友善的讓那個人知道。在問題滾雪球之前處理它是很重要的。每個人都需要幫忙才能在我們獨特(而有時非常具有挑戰性)的工作環境中讓溝通能夠順利進行。",
"Similarly, always strive to be professional, accurate, and respectful when interacting with or mentioning other projects, companies, or people. Remember that your words and interactions may be perceived as those of the greater elementary community. While constructive criticism can be helpful, always approach it from a positive direction, and never misrepresent or slander—if you are unsure, err on the side of omitting.": "",
"VI. Step Down Considerately": "",
"Life priorities, interests, and passions can change. If you’re involved with an elementary-related project but feel you must remove yourself from it, do so in a way that minimizes disruption. When we work together, our work and ideas are no longer just our own; they belong to the elementary community as a whole. Inform other members of the team that you intend to step down, and if possible, help find someone to pick up your work. At the very least, ensure your work can be continued where you left off.": "",
"Similarly, always strive to be professional, accurate, and respectful when interacting with or mentioning other projects, companies, or people. Remember that your words and interactions may be perceived as those of the greater elementary community. While constructive criticism can be helpful, always approach it from a positive direction, and never misrepresent or slander—if you are unsure, err on the side of omitting.": "同樣的,也請在與其他專案、公司、人互動或是提到他們時,常時試著維持專業、準確、尊重。請記得您的言論和互動可能會被他人視為整體 elementary 社群的行為。雖然建設性批評能有幫助,請總是從正面的方向開始討論,並絕對不要扭曲事實或詆毀他人——如果不確定,請傾向選擇不說。",
"VI. Step Down Considerately": "6. 卸任時的考量",
"Life priorities, interests, and passions can change. If you’re involved with an elementary-related project but feel you must remove yourself from it, do so in a way that minimizes disruption. When we work together, our work and ideas are no longer just our own; they belong to the elementary community as a whole. Inform other members of the team that you intend to step down, and if possible, help find someone to pick up your work. At the very least, ensure your work can be continued where you left off.": "人生的優先事項、興趣、與熱情都會改變。如果您參與與 elementary 相關的專案但覺得要卸任,請試著降低這麼做的影響。我們一同作業時,做出的結果和想法就不再只是我們自己的:它們屬於整體 elementary 社群。請讓團隊其他人知道您希望卸任,並且可能的話請幫忙找另一個人來接下您的作業。有困難的話也至少請確保您的工作能在您離開之後繼續進行。",
"Consequences": "後果",
"If you choose not to follow this code of conduct or otherwise disrupt the community, we reserve the right to do the following: alter or remove any content you’ve posted; deactivate or ban your account on third-party sites; deactivate your account in Slack; or otherwise prevent you from interacting with the community.": "如果您選擇不遵守此行為規範,或是擾亂社群,我們保留進行以下措施的權利:變更或移除您所張貼的任何內容、停用或在第三方網站上封鎖您的帳號、在 Slack 停用您的帳號,或是其他防止您與本社群互動的措施。",
"<em>The elementary Code of Conduct is licensed under the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0</a> license. Certain aspects have been inspired by the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Ubuntu Code of Conduct</a>.</em>": "<em>elementary 行為規範以 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0</a> 授權條款釋出。某些部分靈感來自 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Ubuntu 的行為規範</a>。</em>",
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