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add Mridangam._printStrokes, move combining-char sensitive utils to T…
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Evan Laforge committed Jan 25, 2025
1 parent cceafb6 commit 176a012
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Showing 5 changed files with 92 additions and 54 deletions.
15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions Solkattu/Format/Terminal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ spellRests strokeWidth
set (col, (prev, sym, next))
| not (isRest sym) = sym
| even col && maybe False isRest next = sym
{ _text = Realize.justifyLeft (symWidth sym) ' ' double }
{ _text = Texts.justifyLeft (symWidth sym) ' ' double }
| odd col && maybe False isRest prev = sym
{ _text = Text.replicate (symWidth sym) " " }
| otherwise = sym
Expand All @@ -345,10 +345,10 @@ overlapSymbols strokeWidth = snd . mapAccumLSnd combine ("", Nothing)
combine (overlap, overlapSym) sym
| _isSustain sym = if Text.null overlap
then (("", Nothing), sym)
else let (pre, post) = Realize.textSplitAt strokeWidth overlap
else let (pre, post) = Texts.splitAt strokeWidth overlap
in ((post, overlapSym), replace pre overlapSym sym)
| otherwise =
let (pre, post) = Realize.textSplitAt strokeWidth (_text sym)
let (pre, post) = Texts.splitAt strokeWidth (_text sym)
in ((post, Just sym), sym { _text = pre })
replace prefix mbOverlapSym sym = case mbOverlapSym of
Nothing -> sym { _text = newText }
Expand All @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ overlapSymbols strokeWidth = snd . mapAccumLSnd combine ("", Nothing)
newText = prefix
<> snd (Realize.textSplitAt (Realize.textLength prefix) (_text sym))
<> snd (Texts.splitAt (Texts.length prefix) (_text sym))

makeSymbols :: Solkattu.Notation stroke => Int -> Talas.Tala -> Set Tala.Akshara
-> Format.NormalizedFlat stroke -> [(S.State, Symbol)]
Expand All @@ -371,8 +371,7 @@ makeSymbols strokeWidth tala angas = go
S.Attack a ->
( False
, style
, Realize.justifyLeft strokeWidth (Solkattu.extension a)
, Texts.justifyLeft strokeWidth (Solkattu.extension a) notation
where (style, notation) = Solkattu.notation a
S.Sustain a ->
Expand All @@ -381,7 +380,7 @@ makeSymbols strokeWidth tala angas = go
, Text.replicate strokeWidth
(Text.singleton (Solkattu.extension a))
S.Rest -> (True, mempty, Realize.justifyLeft strokeWidth ' ' "_")
S.Rest -> (True, mempty, Texts.justifyLeft strokeWidth ' ' "_")
go (S.FGroup _ group children) = modify (concatMap go children)
modify = case Solkattu._type group of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -483,7 +482,7 @@ emphasisStyle = Styled.fg red . Styled.bold
-- I'm used to this dark red since it's what iterm used for bold.

symWidth :: Symbol -> Int
symWidth = Realize.textLength . _text
symWidth = Texts.length . _text

-- * util

Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions Solkattu/Instrument/Mridangam.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,10 +10,12 @@ module Solkattu.Instrument.Mridangam where
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO

import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)

import qualified Util.Lists as Lists
import qualified Util.Texts as Texts
import qualified Derive.Expr as Expr
import qualified Derive.Symbols as Symbols
import qualified Solkattu.Realize as Realize
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,6 +146,17 @@ instance Solkattu.Notation Valantalai where
instance Pretty Thoppi where pretty = Solkattu.notationText
instance Pretty Valantalai where pretty = Solkattu.notationText

_printStrokes :: IO ()
_printStrokes = mapM_ Text.IO.putStrLn $ Texts.columns 2 $
[ "" : map (t . Valantalai) rhs ] ++
[ (map t $ Thoppi lh : [Both lh rh | rh <- rhs])
| lh <- lhs
t = Solkattu.notationText
rhs = [Ki ..]
lhs = [Tha Palm, Tha Fingertips, Thom Low, Thom Up, Gum]

-- | Pretty reproduces the "Derive.Solkattu.Dsl" syntax, which has to be
-- haskell syntax, so it can't use +, and I have to put thoppi first to avoid
-- the keyword @do@. It would be nice if I could make the tracklang syntax
Expand Down
39 changes: 1 addition & 38 deletions Solkattu/Realize.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,11 +46,6 @@ module Solkattu.Realize (
-- ** ToStroke
, ToStrokes
, realizeStroke, realizeSollu
-- * text util
, justifyLeft
, textLength
, textSplitAt

-- * DEBUG
, SolluMap(..)
, solluMap
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -624,7 +619,7 @@ formatError = format . UF.toList
format (pre, Just err) = Left $
Texts.unlines2 (errorNotation (S.flattenedNotes pre)) err
errorNotation = Text.unwords
. map (justifyLeft 2 ' ' . Solkattu.notationText)
. map (Texts.justifyLeft 2 ' ' . Solkattu.notationText)

{- | Given a group like
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -810,35 +805,3 @@ bestMatch tag sollus toStrokes =
find tag = mapMaybe (\s -> ((tag, s),) <$> _getStrokes toStrokes tag s)
prefixes = reverse $ drop 1 $ List.inits $
take (_longestKey toStrokes) sollus

-- * text util

justifyLeft :: Int -> Char -> Text -> Text
justifyLeft n c text
| len >= n = text
| otherwise = text <> Text.replicate (n - len) (Text.singleton c)
where len = textLength text

-- | Text.length that doesn't count combining characters.
-- TODO there is surely a canonical way to count graphemes, say using text-icu,
-- but it seems like a heavy dependency.
textLength :: Text -> Int
textLength = Num.sum . map len . untxt
-- Combining characters don't contribute to the width. I'm sure it's way
-- more complicated than this, but for the moment this seems to work.
len c
| Char.isMark c = 0
| otherwise = 1

-- | Text.splitAt that isn't confused by combining characters.
textSplitAt :: Int -> Text -> (Text, Text)
textSplitAt at text =
find $ map (flip Text.splitAt text) [0 .. textLength text]
find (cur : next@((pre, _) : _))
| textLength pre > at = cur
| otherwise = find next
find _ = (text, "")
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions TODO
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6329,6 +6329,23 @@ solkattu:
. Another way is to support them all, but map them the same way to
strokes. Good because the original notation is preserved.
Currently I do this, maybe it's good enough.
mridangam gumiki notation:
. Firstly, Gum is confusing because it's a "dry" stroke. But I think
it is useful for timed gum, just the name is confusing. Maybe it
should be Up, but that's Thoppi Up.
. Previously, gum is /, and Thom Up is acute accent.
Gum as / can't be combined with other things.
Acute accent can't be combined well with symbols like , ^.
. Making Up into a trailing / solves those, at the cost of 2 chars.
But it seems ok and I think not bad to read. Better than acute.
. But gum as bare ´ is pretty annoying to type. Bare / makes a kind of
sense because it's just up, no o.
. I could make / -> gum, and have to type ó for o/ in strings, that makes
some sense, but it's a confusing mismatch between fromString and output
notation. Of course I have those for many things, but
. Maybe it comes down to how common is Up vs Gum.
If ´ is really so annoying, then I could use `, or even ', is that
otherwise used?
notation conveniences:
/ mark karvai groups automatically? I don't have to highlight it.
. If I'm not going to highlight, why bother?
Expand Down
62 changes: 54 additions & 8 deletions Util/Texts.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,27 @@
-- License 3.0, see COPYING or

{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Util.Texts where
import Prelude hiding (lines)
module Util.Texts (
, replaceMany
, unwords2, unlines2, join2, join
, split1
, ellipsis, ellipsisList
, dropPrefix, dropSuffix
, enumeration
, columns, columnsSome
, justifyLeft
, length
, splitAt
, mapDelimited, mapDelimitedM, extractDelimited
-- * interpolate
, interpolate
-- * haddockUrl
, Files, Url
, haddockUrl
) where
import Prelude hiding (length, lines, splitAt)
import qualified Prelude
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import qualified Control.Monad.Identity as Identity
Expand All @@ -29,6 +48,7 @@ import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath
import System.FilePath ((</>))

import qualified Util.Lists as Lists
import qualified Util.Num as Num
import qualified Util.Regex as Regex

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,9 +117,6 @@ join2 sep a b = join sep $ filter (not . Text.null . toText) [a, b]
join :: Textlike a => a -> [a] -> a
join sep = fromText . Text.intercalate (toText sep) . map toText

unlines :: Textlike a => [a] -> a
unlines = fromText . Text.unlines . map toText

split1 :: Text -> Text -> (Text, Text)
split1 sep text = (pre, Text.drop (Text.length sep) post)
where (pre, post) = Text.breakOn sep text
Expand All @@ -113,7 +130,7 @@ ellipsisList :: Int -> [Text] -> [Text]
ellipsisList max xs
| null post = xs
| otherwise = pre ++ ["..."]
where (pre, post) = splitAt max xs
where (pre, post) = Prelude.splitAt max xs

dropPrefix :: Text -> Text -> Text
dropPrefix prefix text = Maybe.fromMaybe text (Text.stripPrefix prefix text)
Expand All @@ -133,10 +150,39 @@ columnsSome :: Int -> [Either Text [Text]] -> [Text]
columnsSome padding rows = map formatRow rows
formatRow = either id (Text.stripEnd . mconcat . zipWith pad widths)
pad w = Text.justifyLeft (w + padding) ' '
pad w = justifyLeft (w + padding) ' '
byCol = map (map (Maybe.fromMaybe Text.empty))
(Lists.rotate2 (Either.rights rows))
widths = map (List.maximum . (0:) . map Text.length) byCol
widths = map (List.maximum . (0:) . map length) byCol

justifyLeft :: Int -> Char -> Text -> Text
justifyLeft count c text
| len >= count = text
| otherwise = text <> Text.replicate (count - len) (Text.singleton c)
where len = length text

-- | Text.length that doesn't count combining characters.
-- TODO there is surely a canonical way to count graphemes, say using text-icu,
-- but it seems like a heavy dependency.
length :: Text -> Int
length = Num.sum . map len . Text.unpack
-- Combining characters don't contribute to the width. I'm sure it's way
-- more complicated than this, but for the moment this seems to work.
len c
| Char.isMark c = 0
| otherwise = 1

-- | Text.splitAt that isn't confused by combining characters.
splitAt :: Int -> Text -> (Text, Text)
splitAt at text =
find $ map (flip Text.splitAt text) [0 .. length text]
find (cur : next@((pre, _) : _))
| length pre > at = cur
| otherwise = find next
find _ = (text, "")

-- | Apply a function to the contents delimited by the given Char. You can
-- quote a delimiter with a backslash.
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