An Unreal Engine Editor Plugin for uploading mods to CurseForge
This plugin was contributed by our friends at Blue Isle
- This plugin depends on the cfcore plugin - make sure the cfcore plugin resides in the plugins directory. Contact us to get access.
- Download the latest release of this repo and place it into your Plugins directory (name the folder cfeditor)
- Edit consts.cpp and set your Game ID, Api Key and Game friendly name
- Review cfcore_sdk_service.cpp - |InitializeAsync| and make sure the settings are appropriate for your game editor
- Edit cfeditor_module.cpp - |StartupModule| and make sure you start an appropriate AuthenticationProvider (we currently support St
Right now the plugin runs a "PackageUGC" command for packaging, however, this utility is not included in this repository - you'll need to chagne the command or add your own PackageUGC utility.
The first time an author uploads a mod file it will also create a new mod project on CurseForge