This repository contains the platform-specific Adblock Plus source code for Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge and Firefox. It can be used to build Adblock Plus for these platforms, generic Adblock Plus code will be extracted from other repositories automatically (see dependencies file).
Note that the Firefox extension built from this repository is the new WebExtension. The source code of the legacy Adblock Plus extension can be found here.
- Mercurial or Git (whichever you used to clone this repository)
- Python 2.7
- The Jinja2 module (>= 2.8)
- The PIL module
- For signed builds: PyCrypto module
Run one of the following commands in the project directory, depending on your target platform:
./ -t chrome build -k adblockpluschrome.pem
./ -t edge build
./ -t gecko build
This will create a build with a name in the form adblockpluschrome-1.2.3.nnnn.crx, adblockplusedge-1.2.3.nnnn.appx or adblockplusfirefox-1.2.3.nnnn.xpi.
Note that you don't need an existing signing key for Chrome, a new key will be created automatically if the file doesn't exist.
The Microsoft Edge build adblockplusedge-1.2.3.nnnn.appx is unsigned and is only useful for uploading into Windows Store, where it will be signed. For testing use the devenv build.
The Firefox extension will be unsigned, and therefore is mostly only useful for upload to Mozilla Add-ons. You can also also load it for testing purposes under about:debugging or by disabling signature enforcement in Firefox Nightly.
To simplify the process of testing your changes you can create an unpacked development environment. For that run one of the following commands:
./ -t chrome devenv
./ -t edge devenv
./ -t gecko devenv
This will create a devenv.* directory in the repository. You can load the directory as an unpacked extension, under chrome://extensions in Chrome, under about:debugging in Firefox or in Extensions menu in Microsoft Edge, after enabling extension development features in about:flags. After making changes to the source code re-run the command to update the development environment. In Chrome and Firefox the extension should reload automatically after a few seconds.
Builds for Microsoft Edge do not automatically detect changes, so after rebuilding the extension you should manually force reloading it in Edge by hitting the Reload Extension button.
To verify your changes you can use the unit test suite located in the qunit directory of the repository. In order to run the unit tests go to the extension's Options page, open the JavaScript Console and type in:
location.href = "qunit/index.html";
The unit tests will run automatically once the page loads.
You can lint the code using ESLint.
eslint *.js lib/ qunit/ ext/ chrome/
You will need to set up ESLint and our configuration first, see eslint-config-eyeo for more information.