Any fan of superhero movies and comics has at one point wondered who would win in a fight between their two favorite heros. Especially between DC and Marvel characters. We wanted to make a fun application where the user could pick their favorite super hero (regardless of corparate affiliations!) and battle it out against the mightiest of super villains.
[Fight Page]
- Follow our link to our [deployed application on Heroku] (
- Sign Up with your email and a unique password
- If you already have an account, click on "Log In"
- Search your favorite superheros using the Superhero Search bar and clicking "Search!" to display your hero and general information about them. Check our the full Field Report for your searched hero by clicking "More Info" button on their card.
- When you've made your selection, click "Add to Universe" to add your hero to your stable of heroes.
- When you're ready to battle, click on "Your Universe" in the navigation bar.
- Choose which hero to go into battle with by clicking "Fight!" on their card. This will send them into battle against a random super villain.
- You are then brought to the BattleGrounds page. To begin the battle, click "Attack!". Good luck!
- React
- MongoDB
- MDBReact
- ReactSpring
- bcrypt
- express
- express-session
- Mongoose
- Passport
- Passport-Local
- Request
- React-spring
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line: # Clone this repository $ git clone ( # Go into the repository # Install dependencies $ npm install # Run the app $ npm start
Matt Volonnino GitHub Repository
Steve Knapp GitHub Repository
Ed Gibbons GitHub Repository
Dan [GitHub Repository] (
Hemalatha [Github Repository] (