A Japanese IME (Input Method Editor) engine for Zig projects, focusing on romaji to hiragana/full-width character conversion. Based on Google IME behavior.
On the terminal with libvaxis |
On the web with webassembly Coming soon! |
The minimum Zig version required is 0.13.0.
You first need to add jaime as a dependency in your build.zig.zon
zig fetch --save git+https://github.com/egegungordu/jaime
Then instantiate the dependency in your build.zig
const jaime = b.dependency("jaime", .{});
exe.root_module.addImport("jaime", jaime.module("jaime"));
The library provides several ways to convert romaji (Latin characters) to hiragana:
For simple one-off conversions, use these helper functions:
const jaime = @import("jaime");
// Using a provided buffer (no allocations)
var buf: [100]u8 = undefined;
const result = try jaime.bufConvert(&buf, "konnnichiha");
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("こんにちは", result);
// Using an allocator (returns owned slice)
const result2 = try jaime.allocConvert(allocator, "konnnichiha");
defer allocator.free(result2);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("こんにちは", result2);
For interactive input handling, you can use the IME type which supports both owned (ArrayList) and borrowed (fixed-size) buffers:
const jaime = @import("jaime");
// Using owned buffer (with allocator)
var ime = jaime.Ime(.owned).init(allocator);
defer ime.deinit(); // deinit required for owned buffers
// Using borrowed buffer (fixed size, no allocations)
var buf: [100]u8 = undefined;
var ime = jaime.Ime(.borrowed).init(&buf);
// no deinit needed for borrowed buffers
// Both versions support the same API
const result = try ime.insert("k");
// result contains:
// - deleted_codepoints: number of codepoints deleted
// - inserted_text: the actual text that was inserted
const result2 = try ime.insert("o");
const result3 = try ime.insert("n");
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("こん", ime.input.buf.items());
// Cursor movement and editing
ime.moveCursorBack(1); // Move cursor left n positions
try ime.insert("y"); // Insert at cursor
ime.clear(); // Clear the buffer
ime.deleteBack(); // Delete the last character
ime.deleteForward(); // Delete the next character
For web applications, you can build the WebAssembly bindings:
# Build the WebAssembly library
zig build
For a complete example of how to use the WebAssembly bindings in a web application, check out the web example.
The WebAssembly library provides the following functions:
// Initialize the IME
// Get pointer to input buffer for writing input text
// Insert text at current position
// length: number of bytes to read from input buffer
// Get information about the last insertion
getDeletedCodepoints(); // Number of codepoints deleted
getInsertedTextLength(); // Length of inserted text in bytes
getInsertedTextPointer(); // Pointer to inserted text
// Cursor movement and editing
deleteBack(); // Delete character before cursor
deleteForward(); // Delete character after cursor
moveCursorBack(n); // Move cursor back n positions
moveCursorForward(n); // Move cursor forward n positions
Example usage in JavaScript:
// Initialize
// Get input buffer
const inputPtr = getInputBufferPointer();
const inputBuffer = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, inputPtr, 64);
// Write and insert characters one by one
const text = "ka";
for (const char of text) {
// Write single character to buffer
const bytes = new TextEncoder().encode(char);
// Insert and get result
// Get the inserted text
const insertedLength = getInsertedTextLength();
const insertedPtr = getInsertedTextPointer();
const insertedText = new TextDecoder().decode(
new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, insertedPtr, insertedLength)
// Check if any characters were deleted
const deletedCount = getDeletedCodepoints();
inserted: insertedText,
deleted: deletedCount,
// Final result is "か"
To run the test suite:
zig build test --summary all
- Romaji to hiragana/full-width character conversion based on Google IME mapping
- Basic hiragana (あ、い、う、え、お、か、き、く...)
- a -> あ
- ka -> か
- Small hiragana (ゃ、ゅ、ょ...)
- xya -> や
- li -> ぃ
- Sokuon (っ)
- tte -> って
- Full-width characters
- k -> k
- 1 -> 1
- Punctuation
- . -> 。
- ? -> ?
- [ -> 「
- Basic hiragana (あ、い、う、え、お、か、き、く...)
- Memory management options:
- Owned buffer using ArrayList for dynamic sizing
- Borrowed buffer for fixed-size, allocation-free usage
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open an issue or submit a Pull Request.
- Based on Google IME transliteration mappings