About • Features • Layout • How it works • Tech Stack • Contributors • Author • License
My Template Repository - description about the project
Feature One:
- description of task
- description of task
- description of task
- description of task:
- topic 1
- topic 2
- topic 3
Feature Two:
- description of task
- description of task
- description of task
The application layout is available on Figma:
This project is divided into three parts:
- Backend (server folder)
- Frontend (web folder)
- Mobile (mobile folder)
Both Frontend and Mobile need the Backend to be running to work.
Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: Git, Node.js, .NET SDK.
In addition, it is good to have an editor to work with the code like VSCode
# Clone this repository
git clone [email protected]:efernandes-tech/proj-007-my-template-repository.git
# Access the project folder cmd/terminal
cd my-template-repository
# go to the server folder
cd server
# install the dependencies
dotnet build
# Run the application in development mode
dotnet run
# The server will start at port: 5000 - go to http://localhost:5000
# Clone this repository
git clone [email protected]:efernandes-tech/proj-007-my-template-repository.git
# Access the project folder in your terminal
cd my-template-repository
# Go to the Front End application folder
cd web
# Install the dependencies
yarn install
# Run the application in development mode
yarn start
# The application will open on the port: 3000 - go to http://localhost:3000
The following tools were used in the construction of the project:
Web (React + TypeScript)
- Create React App
- React Router Dom
- Chakra UI
- React Icons - Heroicons 2
- ESLint (dev)
- Prettier (dev/with eslint)
See the file package.json
See the file api.csproj
Mobile (React Native + TypeScript)
- Expo
- Expo Google Fonts
- React Navigation
- React Native Maps
- Expo Constants
- React Native SVG
- Axios
- Expo Location
- Expo Mail Composer
See the file package.json
Prototype: Figma → MyTemplateRepository
Editor: Visual Studio Code → Extensions: ESLint, EditorConfig
Dependency: Yarn → doc package.json
API Test: Postman
Multiple Version Node: NVM
Commit Conventional: Commitlint
API: IBGE API → API States, API Counties
Maps: Leaflet
Markdown: StackEdit, Markdown Emoji
A big thanks to this group that made this product leave the field of idea and enter the app stores :)
You are an awesome team! :)
Ederson Fernandes 🌐 |
Ederson Fernandes 🌐 |
Ederson Fernandes 🌐 |
Ederson Fernandes 🌐 |
Ederson Fernandes 🌐 |
Ederson Fernandes 🌐 |
- Fork the project.
- Create a new branch with your changes:
git checkout -b my-feature
- Save your changes and create a commit message telling you what you did:
git commit -m "feat: my new feature"
- Submit your changes:
git push origin my-feature
If you have any questions check this guide on how to contribute
Ederson Fernandes
This project is under the license MIT.
Made with love by Ederson Fernandes 👋🏽 Get in Touch!