pip install -r requirements.txt
- Sign In page
- Create Account page
- Test navigation to Sign In page
- Test create account button
- Test account - username validation
- Test account - password validation
- Test runner generates HTML report and saves it to the ./tests/reports folder
- By default, after tests execution it opens report in default system browser
├── README.md
├── pages
│ ├── base_page.py
│ ├── create_account.py
│ └── sign_in.py
├── repo_tree.txt
├── requirements.txt
├── resources
│ ├── data.py
│ └── locators.py
└── tests
├── base_test.py
├── reports
│ ├── TestResults___main__.TestAccountCreation_2019-10-20_21-58-48.html
│ ├── TestResults___main__.TestAccountCreation_2019-10-21_12-11-54.html
│ └── report_example.png
└── test.py