The gap between the time the user edits a text file and the time he sees the effects of his modification creates a cognitive charge that hinders creativity. In his presentation at CUSEC 2012, Bret Victor calls for new interfaces where the effects of a modification of the source file is immediatly visible to the user. This software implements this idea, in a generic, UNIX-y way. By defining a couple Makefile rules, anybody can edit \LaTeX files in a WYSIWYG kind of way or immediately see tests passing (or breaking) as soon as the last character of a function is inputted.
A screencast is available :
Bert Victor’s Inventing on principle demos :
Python interface for FUSE (one that works, that is ;) :
For LaTeX editing: xpdf
For HTML editing: uzbl
See the screencast for a specific example.
Create a Makefile with these 4 rules :
: This rule will be called after each modification of the text fileRTEview
: This rule will be called after each successful call toRTEcompile
: Called when starting and quitting RTE.
Example of such rules can be found in the testLatex and testPython directories.
Now call RTE (create /tmp/mnt if need be):
$FOO/ /tmp/mnt
And fire your text editor of choice
emacs --funcall launch-RTE vim #don't forget to launch the UpdateFile function
Copy the content of RTE.el into your .emacs
The code of the UpdateFile function is in RTE.vim
- If dir $RTE/input/ is writable
- Write the content of the buffer, under the corresponding file name
- Wait for buffer to change
- Create a ramdisk
- copy contents of $CWD to ramdisk
- Make Makefile rule RTEstartView
FIXME: A complete chroot in the ramdisk, with all the files accessed during compilation would be better. Before implementing that, however, I should check wether it actually speed things up.
FIXME: For python programs, maybe make use of this interpreter, not to have to compute everything again each time.
- Wait for input in $RTE/input/
- on fclose(), disallow writing in $RTE/input/
- Copy newly gained input on the ramdisk (overwriting whatever’s in there)
- Make Makefile rule RTEcompile in a new thread
- if the rule execute with no error
- Make Makefile rule RTEview
- Allow writing in $RTE/input/
Run :
pushd testLatex; python ../; popd